
7-Figure Email Templates Extended

7 Day Free Trial Sequence

Hey [First name]

It’s finally time – [Your Challenge Name] starts TODAY!

And I’m so excited that you’ve chosen me to help you [insert the promise
of the challenge] in just [no. of days of the challenge].

Each day I’ll send an email first thing in the morning and then at [Time of
daily Q&A] we’ll have our Q&A Session Live in the Private FB Challenge

There will also be a daily Facebook Post so you can comment, leave wins,
struggles, and support – it’s gonna be a blast! – So if you haven’t yet, get
your butt in there by clicking here

Now I totally don’t want you to keep this training a secret – so feel free to
pass it along at any time (including sharing our daily posts, which I REALLY



Here’s what I am going to cover in today’s Challenge:
● WHY…
● HOW…

And here’s what YOU are going to do today:

1. Watch the DAY 1 Challenge Video!



3. JOIN the Q&A session each day at [time of session]

Once you’ve come up with your answers don’t forget to head over to

Facebook and leave a comment on Today’s post

Click Here to Visit Today’s Post on Facebook

Best regards

[Add your name]

Challenge Day 2 Email #2


Can you believe you’re already 20% of the way through this challenge –
that’s pretty awesome!

Yesterday we [recap on something that you did yesterday and it’s benefit]
So for Day 2 we’re gonna dive into [the name of Day 2 topic]

Here’s the reality: [Mention the benefits or impact of getting today’s topic
right and how detrimental it would be to get it wrong]




Here’s what I am going to cover in today’s Challenge:

● WHY…
● HOW…

And here’s what YOU are going to do today:

4. Watch the DAY 2 Challenge Video!



6. JOIN the Q&A session each day at [time of session]

Once you’ve come up with your answers don’t forget to head over to
Facebook and leave a comment on Today’s post

Click Here to Visit Today’s Post on Facebook
Best regards

[Add your name]

PS: Did you miss Day 1 of the challenge? No worries at all…. To watch the
first training on [name of Day 1 topic] CLICK HERE >>

PPS: We’re loving all the Challenge comments and the posts and more
importantly, the [key desirable adjective in your niche] of our community
which is so inspiring!.

Challenge Day 3 Email #3

Hey hey [First Name],

You guys are blowing me away with your commitment.

So far you’ve [outcome or problem they would have solved in day 1] and
now you have a clear understanding of [some key takeaway or outcome
from Day 2]
It’s been so interesting reading how [reference something they would
have shared as part as day 2]

When I created this Challenge, I wanted it to be a TRULY
TRANSFORMATIONAL experience for you.

And that’s why on DAY 3 of our “[Name of Challenge]” we’re going to focus
on [Topic of Day 3 of your Challenge]!



Here’s what I am going to cover in today’s Challenge:
● WHY…
● HOW…

And here’s what YOU are going to do today:

7. Watch the DAY 3 Challenge Video!



9. JOIN the Q&A session each day at [time of session]

And that’s DAY 3 in the bag!

Once you’ve come up with your answers don’t forget to head over to
Facebook and leave a comment on Today’s post
Click Here to Visit Today’s Post on Facebook
Best regards

[Add your name]

PS. Get excited because tomorrow you’ll find out exactly [Something
exciting that you will teach in the next day of the challenge]!

PSS: Did you miss the FIRST TWO challenges? No worries, you can EASILY
catch up….

CLICK HERE >> to watch Day 1 challenge training on [Challenge Day 1
CLICK HERE >> to watch Day 2 challenge training on [Challenge Day 2

Challenge Day 4 Email #4

Hey [First Name]

We’re ALMOST done!!

And tomorrow is where I tie this all together in an epic [WEBINAR: NAME OF

I’ll be sharing the EXACT steps that I teach inside my premium program, [Name of

I won’t be able to cover EVERYTHING that’s inside the paid program (which
contains over [xx hours of video lessons PLUS additional live coaching]), but you
will walk away with a real understanding of [The key promise or take away from
your offer]

I do have a special bonus for those that decide to enroll in [Name of Program]
DURING the free [training/webinar]. I can’t tell you what it is yet…BUT…
….I can tell you that if you want [whatever big benefit of show-up-live bonus] you
are REALLY going to love this bonus. (Again, it’s only available to those who enroll
during the free training).

Plus when you show up LIVE you get a chance to win [insert prize]!!!!
DON’T make the mistake that SO MANY [description of your audience type] make
by trying to do it all themselves with no help.

Ok… back to today’s lesson.

For DAY 4 of our “[Name of Challenge]” we’re gonna dive deep and uncover [Topic
of Day 4 of your Challenge]!



Here’s what I am going to cover in today’s Challenge:
● WHY…
● HOW…

And here’s what YOU are going to do today:

1. Watch the DAY 4 Challenge Video!


2. COMPLETE the daily ASSIGNMENT and share in the group

3. JOIN the Q&A session today at [time of session]

And with that, Day 4 is a wrap!

Best regards

[Add your name]


PS: The challenge is picking up steam, a-ha are coming in left and right, and
everyone is having an amazing time! If you missed the 3 Days, you are seriously
missing out!. But no worries, you can EASILY catch up….

CLICK HERE >> to watch Day 1 challenge training on [Challenge Day 1
CLICK HERE >> to watch Day 2 challenge training on [Challenge Day 2
CLICK HERE >> to watch Day 3 challenge training on [Challenge Day 3

Challenge Day 5 Email #5


I can’t believe this challenge is coming to an end.

You’ve taken INCREDIBLE action in your [life/business/niche topic] this week, but
it doesn’t have to stop here.

If you want to avoid [biggest PAIN POINT that your OFFER promises], then you
MUST follow the [the no. of steps/keys / skills / that you go through in your

WITHOUT this roadmap of the right next steps, you will be unable to get [the big
DESIRE that your audience wants].

I teach these exact [steps/keys/shifts/principles] in my paid program, BUT I’m
giving YOU (my hardworking challengers) access to it FOR FREE.

Yep! I’ve prepared a FREE training for you


that outlines the complete framework that I teach in my premium program,
[Name of OFFER].

Even better, this training will be completely interactive and you’ll be able to ask
questions along the way.

In short…it’s gonna be crazy value!

Okay, so now to the last lesson in this series…



Here’s what I am going to cover in today’s Challenge:
● WHY…
● HOW…

And here’s what YOU are going to do today:

1. Watch the DAY 5 Challenge Video!


2. COMPLETE the daily ASSIGNMENT and share in the group

3. JOIN the Q&A session today at [time of session]

Now for all this to make sense join my bonus training session TODAY at
See you LIVE

Best regards

[Add your name]

PS: If you joined us for the first 4 days of the [Name of Challenge] Challenge you
are NOT going to want to miss the DAY 5 Bonus training TODAY which is our
fabulous [webinar/training] on [Name of Webinar or training]

This bonus training is the game changer… it will literally change your life – so join
me LIVE here

7 Day Free Trial Sequence

Free Trial Email #1

Purpose: These emails are designed to follow up with people who sign up for a trail
of your membership, app or software. It helps to reduce drop off rates and cancellations
after the trial period is over.

Subject Line:

Welcome to [name of service]!

Email Outline:

Hi [First name]

Congratulations on signing up for [name of service] Free trial. My goal is to make
sure you get the most of [name of service]. We pride ourselves in knowing that
[name of service] is designed to cater to the needs of [target market e.g.
entrepreneurs, moms, drop shippers, coaches etc.].

I will be walking you step by step on exactly how to use the service, so you get
the most out of it.

But you have to make one promise to me… You have to actually use it, take it for a
test drive before you decide whether or not it’s right for you.

If you are ever feeling stuck or have any questions at all, we have an amazing
community of like minded [target market e.g entrepreneurs, moms,
dropshippers,coaches etc] inside our Facebook community you can join by
clicking here >> insert link to Facebook group <<

If you haven’t started using the platform yet just login to [link to website or app
login] and go to the main dashboard where we have tons of training videos and
tutorials to get you started.

See you on the inside and welcome to the [name of service] family!

To Your Success

[Your name]

Free Trial Email #2

Subject Line:

Navigating Your Way Around Okay?
Email Outline:

Hi [First name],

Hope you are having a great day. Just a quick check in to make sure you have
been able to access [name of service].

The cool part is we have resources and trainings to meet you exactly where you
are, here are the different sections:
● Section #1: Beginner Training Section
● Section #2: Intermediate Training Section
● Section #3: Advanced Training Section

We’ve made it easy to navigate the platform so you’re not overwhelmed.
Any questions, please ask 🙂

To Your Success,

[Your name]

P.S. If you haven’t joined our Facebook group yet, so you post your questions and
connect with other like minded [target market e.g. entrepreneurs, moms,
drop shippers, coaches etc.], click here to join the group!

Free Trial Email #3

Subject Line:

Why did we create [name of service].

Email Outline:

Hi again :-),

Over the years, I tried different ways to [problem your service solves e.g write
faster, master sales, follow up with clients].

Most [tools, apps, software] are complicated, that is why we designed [name of
service] to be really simple yet effective.

[Insert Story About Why You Created The Service]

To Your Success.

[Your name]

Free Trial Email #4

Subject Line:

Did you see this [First name]?

Email Outline:

Some of the feedback we have been from the users of [name of service] has
been crazy!

Now the average person usually doesn’t get these types of results right away but
wow some of these testimonials we have been getting is really amazing.

People going from 0 to 20k a month or some people making an extra 5k a month
or maybe just an extra 2k a month implementing the strategies and leveraging
the tools inside [name of service].

It might not sound like a crazy amount but imagine having an extra 2k every
single month. That could be life changing for some people.

Again like I said, the average person won’t get the result that fast but the great
thing is that EVERYONE has the ability to get these kinds of results.

Hope to see you on the testimonial page soon 😉

>> link to testimonials <<

To Your Success,

[Your name]

Free Trial Email #5

Subject Line:

Did you upgrade yet [First name]?

Email Outline:

Can you believe it’s already Day [X e.g 3,6] of the [X e.g 7,3] day [name of
service] trial?

Hopefully you have been going through and enjoying the platform.

Did I also mention that you are able to not only enjoy the benefits of the platform
but also build up residual income through our affiliate program? To do this you
will need to consider upgrading your account before your 7 day free trial ends.

To upgrade your account just log on to [link to website or app upgrade page]
and you should see a button to choose the package you want to upgrade to.

Hope to see you stay with the [name of service] family!

Take Care

To Your Success,

[Your name]

Free Trial Email #6

Subject Line:

Hi [First name],

I almost forgot to mention that here at [name of service]. We provide [Insert
Additional Bonuses] for our customers.

Yes really! Once you upgrade your account, You will automatically unlock [Insert
Additional Bonuses]

It doesn’t stop there… We also have [Insert Additional Bonuses e.g weekly live
webinars, quarterly giveaways etc]

This is one of the many reasons our members love us so much. Not that we like
to brag. That’s what they tell us 🙂

Today is the last day of your [name of service] trial. So if you want to continue
using all the tools [name of service] and continuous access to the training we
provide then be sure to log in to your account and upgrade to the plan you want.
Can’t wait to brag about you on our testimonials page 🙂

>> Click the link below to upgrade your account now <<

To Your Success,

[Your name]

Free Trial Email #7

Subject Line:

Oh No! It’s the final countdown…

Email Outline:

Hi [First name],

I noticed you haven’t upgraded your account yet
We figured you might need some more time exploring the amazing benefits our
platform has to offer.

So we’ve decided to offer you a 20% discount on your first month if you upgrade
within the next 24 hours.

Hurry, because it expires soon. Here’s the link again

>> Click the link below <<
Go, go, go, and i’ll see you on the inside

To Your Success,

[Your name]

Affiliate Email Templates

The “Expert Interview” Affiliate Email

This is a great mailing to use when you’re selling affiliate products.

That’s because you can interview the product owner and then use your affiliate link to pitch the product at the end.


Read this interview with [interviewee’s name]

You won’t believe what [interviewee’s name] said about [topic]…


Hi [First name],

There’s no one on this planet who knows [niche/topic] better than [interviewee’s name].

And that’s why I was absolutely thrilled when [interviewee’s name] agreed to do an interview with me.

If you’re not familiar with [interviewee’s name], then you’ll want to check out [his/her] blog
at [link]. There you’ll learn all about [interviewee’s name]’s background in [niche/topic], how
[he/she] became the leading expert in [niche/topic] and much more. Be sure to sign up for
[his/her] newsletter when you visit the site, because you won’t find anyone sharing better [niche/topics] tips and tricks anywhere.

And now without further ado, here’s the interview…

Q. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview, [interviewee’s name]. Please introduce
yourself and tell us how you got interested in [topic/niche].

A. [Insert answer]

Q. I’ve read elsewhere that you encountered a lot of obstacles before you finally succeeded at
[accomplishing some goal in the niche, such as making money online, losing weight, etc]. Can
you please tell us about some of these obstacles and how you overcame them?

A. [Insert answer]

Q. Now, you know more than anyone that a lot of people try to replicate your success. They
hear your story, they get motivated, they get excited. But very few actually succeed, at least not
at the level you did. What do you see as the biggest mistake that holds most beginners back?

A. [insert answer]

Q. What are some of the other mistakes that [niche/topic] beginners make when they’re
first trying to [get a specific benefit or learn a process]?
A. [insert answer]
Q. What does a typical day look like for you?

A. [insert answer]

Q. Do you use any specific tools or resources that you’d recommend to others to make it easier
for them to [get a specific benefit or learn a specific process]?

A. [insert answer]

Q. OK, time to spill the beans. What is your #1 secret for [getting a specific benefit]?

A. [insert answer]

So there you have it – some of [interviewee’s name]’s best [niche/topic] tips, tricks and secrets.

If you liked what [he/she] shared in this interview, then you’re going to absolutely love
[his/her] brand new book, [enter title of book]. This book is your complete guide to
[niche/topic]. Take a peek inside and you’ll discover:

• The biggest mistakes nearly all [niche/topic] beginners make – and how you can avoid it!
• A quick and dirty way to [get a specific result] – this one is going to surprise you!
• The easiest way to [get a benefit].
• And much, much more!

Best of all, [interviewee’s name] has agreed to give you a [$x] discount if you use coupon code
[coupon code] when you order here: [link].

But hurry, this coupon expires [date] – and you’ll kick yourself if you miss out!

[Sign off]

P.S. OK, a confession – I withheld some of [interviewee’s name]’s interview. Actually, I
didn’t even share with you the biggest secret [she/he] revealed. You’ll get that next time, so

stay tuned!

The “Case Study” Affiliate Email

A case study is a very powerful form of social proof, since it shows step-by-step how a
specific product allowed you to get specific results.

This works best for promoting an affiliate offer. If you want to do a case study for your
own product, it’s best if you have a third-party complete the case study (rather than doing it yourself).


If you didn’t think you could ever [get a benefit], think
The results are in – check them out! (Look inside)


Hi [First name],

People have been asking me for my opinion about (name of product), which you can see here
I’ve shared my opinion multiple times, including on my blog and in this very newsletter.

Bottom line – if you want to [get a specific benefit], then this is the best way to do it.

However, what I’ve shared so far has just been an opinion. Sure, that opinion is backed with years of experience.

I’ve used many of the same strategies detailed in this product, so I know
it works. However, (product creator) did introduce a few twists, such as the (name of a
strategy from a course), which has a lot of people buzzing.

And the truth is, that’s one method I’d never tried before.

Until now.

Because over the past few weeks I’ve been studying this method and applying it just the way
it’s described inside (name of product).
And I tell you what, I’ve been absolutely blown away by my results!

Take a look at the proof here: [If possible, insert some sort of proof such as a video,
screen shot, pictures, etc.
For example, if the product was a weight loss product, then show a before and after picture.
Or if it’s a marketing/traffic-generation product, then show before and after screenshots of your traffic logs.]

Now let me share with you what’s happened over the last [few days, few weeks, few months or however long it took for you to complete the case study.]

[Day/Week/Month] 1: Starting Point
Before I started employing what I learned inside (product name), I took a look at my
baseline data.

Here it is: [Insert any data that’s related to where you started. For example, if it’s a traffic
product, how many unique visitors were you getting before you applied the strategy? Or if it
was a weight loss product, what were your measurements and weight?]
Once I looked at this data, then the next thing I did was immediately put to use the
procedure described on page [number] of (product name). Here’s an overview of what I did:
• [insert one-sentence description of step 1]
• [insert one-sentence description of step 2]
• [insert one-sentence description of the rest of the steps in this bulleted list]
So far, so good. But my goal is to [state your goal]. Here’s what happened…
[Day/Week/Month] 2: Midway Point
This week really surprised me, because I started seeing some pretty amazing results.
Specifically, [insert description, with proof if possible, of whatever results you were starting to notice during this week].
3: Final Results
It only took [number][days/weeks/months] before I achieved my goal of [state what your goal was]. I was thrilled! Not only did I meet my goal, I exceeded it by [describe how you achieved your goal].
Here’s what happened… [Go into detail about the results you received. Again, offer proof].
I owe all these awesome results to (name of product).
I’m so glad I gave it a try, and I strongly urge you to do so too. If you want to [get a specific result], then using (name of product or name of strategy) is the best way to do it.
So check it out now at [link].
[Sign off]
P.S. Don’t take my word for it – try it for yourself today by going to [link]. You’ll be glad you did.

The “Product Review” Affiliate Email

This is a fairly promotional piece, since you’re reviewing a product. Just be sure to include the perceived flaws of the product, since this will create more credibility for you and thus boost your conversion rate.


(product name) review

The truth about (product name)


Hi [First name],

I know, you’ve been hearing a lot about (product name) over the last couple
[days/weeks/months]. You’re wondering if it’s right for you. You’re wondering if it’s really your solution to [getting rid of a specific problem].

The answer is yes, especially if you’re [describe the type of person who’d benefit most from this product]. However, this product isn’t for everyone. Read on to find out if it’s right for you.

Overview of (product name)

The first thing you’ll notice about (product name) is that [insert general description of the product… for example, if it’s a book then you can talk about how many chapters and pages it has, briefly what it covers, etc. If it’s a physical product, like a laptop, then quickly cover some of the main features and benefits].

The Good…

This product really stands out from the competition in a number of ways. Specifically…

• [Highlight a first major benefit – for example, maybe a laptop has much more power and
RAM then you usually see at this price point, so multi-taskers can run several programs
without the computer crashing or slowing down.]
• [Highlight a second major benefit]
• [Highlight a third major benefit]

The reason why these features are so important is because this is the only product that
really allows you to [get some specific benefit].

Most of the other competitors fall short in this category. Some of the competitors have tried to
[implement this specific feature], but it really doesn’t work because [explain why this specific feature didn’t work in the competitors’ products]. Most competing products, however, don’t
include this feature at all. That’s why (product name) offers a lot of value for the price.
However, (product name) isn’t all sunshine and kittens. It does have a few flaws. Read on…
The Bad…
No [type of product] is perfect, and (product name) is no exception. However, while (product name) does have its flaws, I didn’t see any deal breakers here. There’s nothing really that would
make me hesitate to recommend the product. However, you should be aware of these
potential problems…

• [Describe a perceived flaw or potential problem with the product – for example,
maybe a laptop has a weak casing, so you’re a little concerned about what happens if
the laptop gets bumped hard or dropped.]
• [Insert another potential problem – for example, maybe a dieting book doesn’t have
actual recipes.]
However, I did find one workaround. Specifically, if [the type of problem] looks like it’s going
to be a sticking point for you, one way to fix this is by [describe a way to get around the problem, or a way to turn this perceived liability into an asset].

The Verdict…

Despite the minor problems above, I whole-heartedly recommend (product name) to
anyone who wants to [get a specific benefit]. That’s because [reiterate main selling point].

You can check it out for yourself here [link].

[Sign off]

Beta Invite to Beta Test Group


PURPOSE: The purpose of this email is to not go straight in and send them a link
to be a beta, but this gives them a much lower effort level to show interest and
then they are much more likely to apply if they have replied with a yes due to the
law of reciprocity.

Hi [First Name],

I’m starting a new Case Study Group / Beta Test Group next month.

I’m looking for a few specific people who are keen to work with me to be a
potential case study for [what your course or program is about e.g. taking their
business to the next level by using automation and sales funnels].

Are you interested?

[Your Name]

P.S. There is NO CHARGE for this opportunity, so places are limited to those who
we feel will be most committed


PURPOSE: So to only those who have replied yes, you then send them this email
to invite them to apply to be a Beta tester

Hi [Name],

I’m so excited that you are interested in joining the Case Study Group.
For further details and to apply >> please click here <<

As I mentioned in my earlier email, spaces are limited so although we will not be
able to accept everyone, we will respond to each application to let you know.
Can’t wait to read your application.

[Your Name]


Hey [First Name]!

Out of all those who applied to be in the case study group, you are one of those
whose application shone through, so I am delighted to welcome you to the
[NAME OF THE BETA TEST]. I’m so grateful you took the time out to apply and
eager to get you started.

Expectations as a Beta Tester:

1. As this program will be delivered LIVE through a series of Masterclasses, you will
be expected to make every effort to attend them live (at LEAST ONE live at the
minimum) and for those unable to attend live, or watch the full replay.

2. You will be expected to join the >> Facebook group <<, within the next 48
hours because it’s where you’ll be conversing with me, and your fellow students
and getting feedback on assignments.

3. You will be expected to do the homework assignments each week and post
them in the Facebook group

4. You will be expected to attend a short feedback video call about your
experience in the beta and your options on the program as a whole.


Step 1. Watch the Welcome Video
FACEBOOK POST << You will want to watch this because it will prep you mentally
for how to be successful in this Beta!

Step 2. Join the Facebook Group
Join The Facebook Group >> PASTE Facebook Group link here << You get my
custom feedback via the facebook group.

Step 3. Add the date and time of our weekly Masterclasses to your calendar!
Once again, I am so excited to welcome you as a beta tester and if you have ANY
questions, please don’t hesitate to shoot me an email or tag me in the FB group.

[Your Name]

PS. If you need anything again I’m available at [Your email]. Let’s do this!


Hi [First Name]

First and foremost, I want to thank you so much for taking the time to fill out the
application for the [beta test course topic here] and I loved reading it.

With such few spaces to fill for this round of the case study group, unfortunately,
all the spaces have been filled. (This was such a difficult decision, as, like yours,
there were so many amazing applicants!)

However, I want you to know, that you have been added to the waitlist just in case
anyone drops out or we decide to run another one in future.

Also, to show our appreciation for all the work you put into the application, we are
going to offer you [a sneak peek of the first module of the signature course, once
it’s ready to launch. You’re going to get first dibs before it goes public, along with
special beta test applicant pricing if you decide to continue!]

I really look forward to working with you in the near future!

Wishing you every success!

[Your Name]

Beta Launch Sequence

Beta Launch Email #1

Purpose: The goal of this email is to identify people who are willing to give you
feedback on your product idea. You should send it to a segment of your most engaged
subscribers (people who regularly open and/or click your emails).

Subject Line:

Can I get Your Opinion?

Email Outline:

Hey [First Name]!

Fun fact: you’ve been one of my most engaged subscribers.

1. Thanks a ton for opening and checking out my emails!

2. I’d love to get your thoughts on a somewhat-secret project I’ve been working
on for a while now. Since you’ve been so engaged, your opinion would mean a
lot to me.

Would you be up for giving me some quick feedback?

Just reply to this email and let me know if you’re up for it!


[Your name]

Beta Launch Email #2

Purpose: The goal of this email is to follow up with everyone who didn’t reply to
Email 1. Do not send it to people who already replied.

Subject Line:

Re: can I get your opinion?

Email Outline:

Hey — [Your name] here again…

Just wanted to quickly follow up with you regarding the message below. If you’re
interested and have a few minutes, I’d love to get your opinion on a new project
I’m working on.

It’ll take you about 10 minutes of time total.

If you’re able, just hit reply and say “yes.”

If not, no worries and I totally understand!


[Your name]

Beta Launch Email #3

Purpose: The goal of this email is to get people who replied “yes” to Email 1 or 2
to give you feedback on your product idea. You will send this individually to each

Subject Line:

Re: can I get your opinion?

Email Outline:

Hey again!

Alright, here’s the scoop:

I’m working on a brand new resource called [name of your program]. It’s my
private collection of resources I’ve used to grow [your brand name] .

Can you do two things?

First, read the full details here. >>link to information page<< (Google doc with

Second, fill out this super-quick feedback form. >>link to survey page<< (Create
a simple survey using Google forms)


[Your name]

P.S. I’m planning to launch this sometime soon. I’d love for you to tell me how I
can make it better.

Beta Launch Email #4

Purpose: The goal of this email is to follow up with everyone who didn’t reply to
Email 3. Do not send it to people who already replied.

Subject Line:

Re: can I get your opinion?

Email Outline:

Hi [First Name],

Just wanted to quickly follow up with you on the new project you mentioned
wanting to help me out on. I’d really like your feedback!

Quick reminder on what you need to do…

1. Read the details on what I’ve been working on here. >>link to information
page<< (Google doc with info)

2. Give me your opinion on it here. >>link to survey page<< (Create a simple
survey using Google forms)

Thanks a mil!

[Your name]

Beta Launch Email #5

Purpose: The goal of this email is to get people who filled out your survey to
pre-order your product. Do not send it to people who did not fill out the survey.

Subject Line:

Re: can I get your opinion?

Email Outline:
Thanks for filling out the survey, [First Name].

Your feedback is really helpful.

To answer your question, all of the content will be available in a private
members area that you’ll be able to access any time. I’m also thinking there will
be a private Facebook group for customers at some point, too .

And just to let you know, I’m running a special (but limited) pre-sale for everyone
who gave feedback on the idea.

Right now, there are 5 slots left and then I’m going to close it down.

Would love to have you be a part of it! You can get all the details right here.

>>link to order/checkout page<<

And whether you’re interested or not, thanks again for the feedback.

[Your name]

Call Follow Up Email Sequence

Follow Up Email #1

Purpose: Follow up after a discovery/Sales Call. 1-day after-sales call

Subject Line:

Great talking with you today!

Email Outline:

Hi [First name]

It was a pleasure speaking with you. Thank you for taking the time to explain your
{business/goals/aspirations}. After learning about what you are trying to
accomplish, I understand the challenges you are facing with [challenges
discussed] and the impact they are having on [insert personal impact]. I believe
(NAME OF YOUR PROGRAM OR OFFER) would be a great fit in getting you to
your goal.


Fundamentally, there are 3 things (NAME OF PROGRAM) will help you

1) {Benefit of your program} e.g Build an audience as we did for (Link to

2) {Benefit of your program} e.g Turn your expertise into a high ticket offer as
we did for (Link to Testimonial)

3) {Benefit of your program} e.g Create a Sales Process that is stable and
consistent as we did for (Link)

I have attached [or linked to] the resources and materials that can help you better
understand how we can help you solve [insert compelling reason to buy].

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks again for your time.

[Your name]

Follow Up Email #2

Purpose: Give a quick complement and add value (2 days after the first email)

Subject Line:

You’ve been on my mind {First name}

Email Outline:

Hey [First name],

I have been thinking about you and what the best way would be to help you
reach your goal of (Insert goal they shared with you on the call). You are
absolutely amazing at what you do and with the right support, you are set to
change the world.

Recently I spotted these two super helpful posts and just wanted to share them
with you:

{{Link 1}}
{{Link 2}}

I would also be happy to answer any other questions you have.


[Your name]

Follow Up Email #3

Purpose: Give a quick reminder (3 days after the previous email)

Subject Line:

Re: Checking In

Email Outline:

Hi [First name],

Just seeing if you got my last email. I know things can get devoured by the
boogeyman of inbox called the spam folder so I wanted to make sure I am still on
your radar.

Do you have any questions or concerns I can help with?

Feel free to reply to this email.

Looking forward to hearing back from you!


[Your name]

Follow Up Email #4

Purpose: A little Nudge (3 days after the previous email)

Subject Line:

On the Fence? It’s time to take a stand

Email Outline:

Hi [First name]

In case you are still on the fence about whether {Product Name} makes sense for
you, I wanted to share a story with you about {Name of Client}.

{Name of Client} reduced her ad spend by 25% while doubling her conversions
and profits within 8 weeks of joining {Name of Program}. But most importantly?
She built a profitable business model that she’s been able to stick to long after he
finishing {Name of Program} .

If you want to see results, take advantage of the special discount on [Name of
Program] (plus exclusive bonuses) {{Link to program sales page}} before it expires.
It’s time to take a stand..

Sitting on the fence gives you a view but it’s time to take a stand so you can get
the results..

{{Link to sales page}} So go here to get all the offer details now before it’s gone.

And feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions!


[Your name]

Follow Up Email #5

Purpose: To Convince that this is the best time to take advantage of your offer.

(2days after the previous email)

Subject Line:

Quick Reminder

Email Outline:

Hi [First name],

Real quick, I wanted to remind you…

Our special deal on (NAME OF YOUR PROGRAM OR OFFER) is ending
tomorrow! Just go here to get all the details and grab your free bonuses while
there’s still time.

When you grab this offer before the deadline, you’re not only going to get the
best price possible…you’re also going to get (Program Bonuses) ($297 value).
And since I know you might have some questions, I put answers to everything
that’s probably on your mind right here on this page.(Link to FAQs).

But let me go ahead and address the most pressing question right here: why is
NOW the best time to take action on this?

Obviously the special deal we’re offering makes it a good time, but let me offer
an even more important reason:

If you don’t take action now to [Insert what they are trying to achieve]…then when
will you?

The easiest answer is always going to be to put it off for another week, another
month, or even another year.

That’s exactly why we’re not offering this special deal forever. Because I wanted
to give you the best reason possible to say yes NOW instead of putting it off for

I’m giving you this deadline because I believe you CAN get [Insert the outcome
they want].

I’m so confident you can do it that we even offer a money-back guarantee. So if it
turns out you’re not able to get the results you’re looking for, you can get a full
refund (no questions asked).

But you’ll never know if you don’t take action while this deal is still around.

So go here to get all the details before tonight’s deadline.

This is your shot. I hope you finally say YES to this opportunity

[Your name]

Follow Up Email #6

Purpose: Invitation to a Follow-up call (3 days after the previous email)

Subject Line:

Ready to continue the conversation?

Email Outline:

Hi [First name],

I’ve been thinking about our conversation, especially the issues around [problems
or pain points they have].

I put together a couple of resources that might help you with the project, if/when
you decide to move forward with it.

Real quick, I wanted to remind you…

Our special deal on [Name of Program] is ending tomorrow! Just go here to
get all the details and grab your free bonuses while there’s still time.

When you grab this offer before the deadline, you’re not only going to get the
best price possible…you’re also going to get [Insert bonus] e.g 3 free months of
our custom meal planning service ($## value).

And since I know you might have some questions, I put answers to everything
that’s probably on your mind right here on this page.

But let me go ahead and address the most pressing question right here: why is
NOW the best time to take action on this?

Obviously the special deal we’re offering makes it a good time, but let me offer
an even more important reason:

If you don’t take action now to [insert results they want]…then when will you?
The easiest answer is always going to be to put it off for another week, another
month, or even another year.

That’s exactly why we’re not offering this special deal forever. Because I wanted
to give you the best reason possible to say yes NOW instead of putting it off for

I’m giving you this deadline because I believe you CAN get yourself in the best
shape of your life.

I’m so confident you can do it that we even offer a money-back guarantee. So if it
turns out you’re not able to get the results you’re looking for, you can get a full
refund (no questions asked).

But you’ll never know if you don’t take action while this deal is still around.

So go here to get all the details before tonight’s deadline.

See you inside.


[Your name]

Follow Up Email #7

Purpose: Invitation to a Follow-up call (3 days after the previous email)

Subject Line:

Still Interested?

Email Outline:

[First name],

I wanted to reach out to you one last time regarding {value proposition}.

If I don’t hear back from you, I’ll assume that the timing isn’t right and I won’t
contact you again.

If I can be of assistance, you can always reply to the message and I’ll be more
than happy to help you.

Goodbye for now.

[Your name]

Conversion Email

Conversion Email #1

Hi ~FirstName~!

Are you ready for this?

Because I’m about to introduce you to a major turning point in your life that’ll help you [insert pain your product solves].

It’s a special offer which would send you flying towards [ideal end result for the prospect]. So let’s get right to it.

Right now, you could [big benefit] without [pain point], and you could do it for [discount $ or %] less than everyone else!

This exclusive [offer] will give you:

[Benefit 1] ∙ [1 sentence about how this will make their life better.] Usually $XX!
[Benefit 2] ∙ [1 sentence about how this will make their life better.] Usually $XX!
[Benefit 3] ∙ [1 sentence about how this will make their life better.] Usually $XX!

All of this would usually set people back [original price], but right now, YOU could get the lot for just $XX!

{IF APPLICABLE:} And, just as a little extra incentive, I’ll throw in [insert bonus] which will help you [insert benefit].

This is usually worth $XX but I’ll be including this into your package for FREE! Sound like fair game? Just go here to let me know you’re interested!

But you need to act fast! This offer will expire [DATE].

So there’s not much room for hesitation. Especially since this chance probably won’t come around again.

So, make sure you check it out before the offer expires.

Talk soon,


P.S. [Pain points – remind them of the issues which purchasing your offer will eliminate.]

Conversion Email #2

Hi ~FirstName~ Did you get my last email? It contained an exclusive (but time-limited) opportunity to help you [ideal end result]. I’ve copied the whole thing below for you, just in case you missed it. ———- Forwarded message ——— From: {YOUR NAME} Subject: How to [insert benefit] without [insert pain point] To: Hi ~FirstName~! Are you ready for this? Because I’m about to introduce you to a major turning point in your life that’ll help you [insert pain your product solves]. It’s a special offer which would send you flying towards [ideal end result for the prospect]. So let’s get right to it. Right now, you could [big benefit] without [pain point], and you could do it for [discount $ or %] less than everyone else! This exclusive [offer] will give you: [Benefit 1] ∙ [1 sentence about how this will make their life better.] Usually $XX! [Benefit 2] ∙ [1 sentence about how this will make their life better.] Usually $XX! [Benefit 3] ∙ [1 sentence about how this will make their life better.] Usually $XX! All of this would usually set people back [original price], but right now, YOU could get the lot for just $XX! {IF APPLICABLE:} And, just as a little extra incentive, I’ll throw in [insert bonus] which will help you [insert benefit]. This is usually worth $XX but I’ll be including this into your package for FREE! Sound like fair game? Just go here to let me know you’re interested! But you need to act fast! This offer will expire [DATE]. So there’s not much room for hesitation. Especially since this chance probably won’t come around again. So, make sure you check it out before the offer expires. Talk soon, YOUR SIGNATURE P.S. [Pain points – remind them of the issues which purchasing your offer will eliminate.]

Conversion Email #3

Careful, ~FirstName~! In just 48 hours, your special offer for Sale! Uncategorized 7 Figure Email System $67.00 $4.79 Add to cart will be disappearing — meaning you now have a choice to make… Either, you can stick with what you know and continue battling [pain points and struggles] on your own… OR you can take me up on my offer and get tried, tested and proven methods for [insert big benefit the prospect experiences with your product/service]… … and discover how easy and simple it could really be to [ideal end result]. (I know which option I’d rather pick…) Discover it for yourself by claiming the offer now! Here’s a quick reminder of what you’ll get — this exclusive [offer] will give you: [Benefit 1] ∙ [1 sentence about how this will make their life better.] Usually $XX! [Benefit 2] ∙ [1 sentence about how this will make their life better.] Usually $XX! [Benefit 3] ∙ [1 sentence about how this will make their life better.] Usually $XX! {IF APPLICABLE:} And of course, there’s the added FREE BONUS of [insert bonus]. Everything above usually totals up to $XX, but just for the next 2 days… and for a VERY select group… … that has been cut right down to $XX! Pretty cool right? Then grab the bull by the horns and kickstart the next stage of your [business / life / experience, etc.] by claiming this deal today. But remember! Only 48 hours left… you can almost hear time ticking past. So take advantage before the offer expires! Speak soon! YOUR SIGNATURE P.S. [Induce scarcity and the urgency with phrases such as “many have been snatched up already”, “reserved spaces” or “most disappeared overnight.”]

Conversion Email #4

[TIMER] You’ve hesitated for so long, ~Contact.FirstName~, that the dreaded countdown timer has ap- peared. ^^ As you can see, the offer for Sale! Uncategorized 7 Figure Email System $67.00 $4.79 Add to cart expires today! If you make the smart choice and go for it: -You’ll no longer [insert pain point] because […] -You’ll be able to change [insert pain point] because […] -[Etc.] And all for a huge [$ or %] off the normal price! After all, everything you were offered is worth $XX but YOUR price is only $XX. Click here to remind yourself of everything you’ll get as part of this package deal. This is the last email I’ll be sending before your window of opportunity closes. So the ball really is in your court now. Imagine, [paint a picture of ideal end result]. Give yourself a proper chance to get there, ~Contact.FirstName~, and take this offer before it disap- pears. Hope to be hearing from you! YOUR SIGNATURE >Feel free to make a copy 

E book Promotion Email Sequence

Email #1

Email Title: Download Your Ebook/Playbook

Thank you for downloading [eBook]!

Click here to get the [ Bonuses Promised ] or click the button below.

[Download eBook button]

Best regards,

[your name]

Email #2

Email Title: Make [eBook/Playbook] work for you!

Hey, {{ firstName | default: “there” }},

It’s [your name], [1-2 lines description of who you are and what you do].

I hope you enjoyed reading the [eBook].

Most people collect guides on their hard drives and never get to apply the advice. I
don’t want you to be one of those people.

Here’s a simple step from the eBook that you can start executing today, not

[The 1st and easiest step a reader of the lead magnet needs to execute in order to
get value. Demonstrate how your product makes this step so much easier.]

Just hit reply to this email and let me know if you executed this step today?


Email #3

Email Title: What to do next?

Hey, {{ person.firstName | default: “there” }},

It’s [your name].

By now, I expect that you completed the 1st step of the eBook/Playbook.

You might be wondering what to do next?

Most people are getting the best value by executing [chapter / strategy / tactic or
advice from the guide. Make sure this strategy or advice uses your product].

Of course, don’t forget that you can always get in touch with me by replying to this
email if you ever get stuck!


[your name]

Email #4

Email Title: More resources on [topic of the guide]

Hey, {{ firstName | default: “friend” }},

It’s been a week since you downloaded [eBook].

If you’ve applied everything from this guide, you should [become a better marketer /
achieved a specific goal / improved a specific skill / unlocked promised benefit].

I don’t want you to stop there, though.

I really want to help you reach the next level!

Today I have put together a list of posts on our blog that will expand on the topic of
the [eBook].

Check them out below:

● How to get started with your tool
● Relevant blog post 2
● Relevant blog post 3

And don’t forget, there’s no point in reading these if you don’t execute!
[your name]


Email #5

Email Title: Announcing 3 New eBooks / Playbooks

Hey, {{ firstName | default: “friend” }},

I’m glad to let you know that we launched 3 new eBooks that will rock your world!
Check them out below:

● eBook 1
● eBook 2
● eBook 3

The books are live and ready for you to check them out!

Let us know what you think?

You can also Join Our Premium Library Account Here >>


[your name]

Email #6

Email Title: You’ve Successfully Upgraded

THANK YOU, {{firstName}}!

You’ve Successfully Upgraded to Premium Library Account!

Thank you for upgrading to a [Product] Premium Library subscription!

We’re glad to have you in our premium family, and we’re sure you’re going to get a
ton of value out of the Premium Library Subscription.

Your Subscription comes with:

● [Library Premium Feature 1 – hottest most important feature]
● [Library Premium Feature 2]
● [Library Premium Feature 3]

Here’s how to get started with [Library Premium Feature 1]
[Library Premium Feature 1]

[Step 1 on using Library Premium Feature 1]

[Video or GIF demonstrating where in the app to execute this feature]
[Step 2 on using Library Premium Feature 1]

[Video or GIF demonstrating where in the app to execute this feature]
[Step 3 on using Library Premium Feature 1]


Your Plan: Library Premium

Price: [Price]

Renewal Date: [Renewal date]


We’re here to help every step of the way if you ever get stuck or need a personal

Please contact our 24/7 Support Team.

[[email protected]] / [your phone]

Good will Nurture

Goodwill Nurture Email #1

Re: Your Download – [NAME OF LEAD MAGNET]

Hey hey!

Thanks so much for requesting the [NAME OF LEAD MAGNET]


Speak soon,


P.S. If you’re ready to take things one step further specifically for your [business/life/ niche etc.]…

Then make sure to take advantage of this limited opportunity to get my [NAME OF OFFER] for your [business/life/ niche etc.] for [INSERT COST e.g. free / only $27 etc.]

P.P.S. I wanted to make sure you got this [NAME OF OFFER] into your hands ASAP, but I also wanted to introduce myself to you properly, so we don’t feel like strangers!

So keep your eyes peeled in your inbox for the next little while… I’m going to send through a bit more info about who I am, and explain how you can get your hands on some more of my best (free) [training / blogs / videos etc.] 😉

Goodwill Nurture Email #2

Hi [First name]

You gotta see this:


If you’re on my list, it’s fair to assume you [DESCRIBE INTEREST OR BENEFIT – ex. “…want to play the guitar” / “…want to get more clients” / etc.]

If so, then this is the ideal next step:


Check it out…

Talk soon,

Goodwill Nurture Email #3

Hi [First Name]

Have you ever wanted to [INSERT KNOWN DESIRED END RESULT]?

Well now is your chance:


Recently I [wrote/recorded/rolled out a report/video/training/widget] [about/that does] [DESCRIBE TOPIC/PRODUCT] and I want you to have [a copy/it/one].

You can [access/get/buy] it right now at:


But do it now while it’s fresh on your mind…

Talk soon,



You don’t have to imagine…get it now: [LINK TO LANDING PAGE]

Goodwill Nurture Email #4

Hi there

When [your topic] overwhelm you, the answer is simple … start with a basic plan to [your niche topic], so you can get [the desired outcome/result] easily.

Then build upon it as you learn more.

[Donwload your FREE copy of your lead magnet]

This plan shows you:

●Benefit #1
●Benefit #2
●Benefit #3

As you can see, this plan gives you a starting point to launch a [desired outcome/result] easily without too much [struggle].

And you build on it as you learn more!

[Download it here.]


[Your name]

Goodwill Nurture Email #5

Hi [First name]

[Your lead magnet] is a great tool for getting [desired outcome] and [more desired outcome].

The catch is – [it must do something]

If you’ve had [the problem] in the past or are unsure of how to make your next [goal/tool] work really well …

…. start with a [your lead magnet] designed for you!

My [lead magnet name] is free for you as a member of my community.

In this [lead magnet name], you’ll find:

●Benefit #1
●Benefit #2
●Benefit #3
●Benefit #4

It’s everything you need to [get the desired outcome]. It’s already proven since I use this exact [method/lead magnet] in my own [business/life/niche].

Download it here.

Best regards

[Your name]

Goodwill Nurture Email #6

Hi [First Name]

New to [your topic or niche]?

I can show you how to [create something in your topic or niche] using my [your template]. Better yet, you can create [desired outcome] in — minutes or less. [any time frame]

Use my template: [name of your template]. It’s FREE.

I put together a template that takes out all the guess work. Just follow the steps, look at the example of my best [your template] and launch.

I think you’ll find that this [Your template name] changes the game for you.

Go get it while it’s free! – [your link]


[Your name]

Goodwill Nurture Email #7

Hi [First Name]

You can create a movement with your [topic].

Here are 3 steps to consider:

●Step 1
●Step 2
●Step 3

In my [lead magnet name] blueprint, I am showing you how to do exactly this.

You can download it here

[Your name]

P.S. [You can share your case study or testimonial here]

Goodwill Nurture Email #8


It’s been so great having you inside my community…

And sharing my favourite, best-of trainings when it comes to [TOPIC OF TRAINING SERIES]

I know I’ve done a lot of talking and sharing about myself, so I thought it was time I asked YOU a question…

Are you excited about the thought of [BIG CLAIM ABOUT WHAT THEY REALLY WANT AS YOUR AUDIENCE e.g. doubling your Instagram following in a month]

Through the power of [WHAT YOU OFFER GENERALLY]?

Buuuut, are you also a little worried that [THEIR BIGGEST OBJECTION]

Well, if so, you’ll love this next :


Inside this video, I’m revealing…




So that you can have [DESIRED OUTCOME]

If you’re still worried about [THEIR BIGGEST OBJECTION] after watching this video…

REPLY to this email and let me know.

I’d love to personally answer any questions you have:-)

I’m convinced though that after watching this, even those who [HAVE BIGGEST OBJECTION] the most will be able to [ACHIEVE the DESIRED RESULT]




P.S. If you’re wishing you had…

Then I’m offering you the opportunity to get [WHAT YOUR OTO DELIVERS] so you can do just that!

But this offer is only available for the next few days.

[Click here to secure your spot / get yours now etc.]

Goodwill Nurture Email #9

Hey [First Name],

Thanks again for downloading one of my favorite free resources [NAME OF LEAD MAGNET]! I just wanted to check in and see if you’d had a chance to take it all in?

Even better – have you started using it to [PROMISE OF WHAT LEAD MAGNET DELIVERS]?



IMPORTANT: If you’re really serious about [OVERALL DESIRED OUTCOME THAT LEAD MAGNET IS JUST THE FIRST STEP OF] though, you should really take a few minutes to check this out…

[Name of your One Time Offer (OTO)] >>

My [NAME OF LEAD MAGNET] is so awesome (if I do say so myself) and makes getting started with [OVERALL DESIRE] so simple…

BUT to fully achieve [NEXT STEP DESIRE] you need [NAME OF OTO]


So that…


[Insert 1-2 relevant testimonials, especially any quotes about your call specifically]

WOW, right!?

And the best part is, I’m giving it to you at this amazing price

But this offer expires REALLY soon, so get it now while you can! >>

This special opportunity won’t be available much longer, so I would grab it now while it’s still fresh in your mind.

Talk soon,


P.S. This is a super limited opportunity that is only available for the next few days… so click here now before it’s too late!



It’s Finally Here
Today is the day I am officially launching my Mini Course on [[name]] that will help you with [[result]].

It is now LIVE and open for enrollment.

To make sure you get maximum value from the course and you’re 100% familiar with its content download this [[free pdf]] and start planning your [[goal]].

I stayed up way too late last night getting everything ready for today.

Also I [[did something funny/silly]] and in a fatigued haze decided to add more bonuses:

●Bonus 1
●Bonus 2
●Bonus 3


That’s it. That’s the offer.


See you inside!


P.S. It’s hard to have a PS in this kind of short email but it’s harder to break the habit.

If you have any questions regards this [[offer]] send a line or two.
It’s Finally Here
Today is the day I am officially launching my Profitable Mini Course Vault that will help you create your own mini course and get a little cash and confidence boost within 7 days.

It is now LIVE and open for enrollment.

To make sure you get maximum value from the course and you’re 100% familiar with its content download this Course Creation Cheatsheet » and start planning your mini course.

I stayed up way too late last night getting everything ready for today.

Also I ate a few too many slices of pizza at midnight and in a fatigued haze decided to add more bonuses:

●Bonus 1
●Bonus 2
●Bonus 3


That’s it. That’s the offer.

Profitable Mini Course Vault at $37 »

See you inside!


P.S. It’s hard to have a PS in this kind of short email but it’s harder to break the habit.

If you have any questions regards this Mini Course Vault send me a line or two by simply replying back.


What will your story be?
Imagine or What if [[ tool / strategy ]] .

I hope you will achieve the same results as I have (or even better).
Let me tell you a quick story.

[[ your short story ]]
[[ roadblocks ]]
[[ result ]]
How did I do it?

Check this [[ product ]] . So you can COPY my process.

Why would you do that?
[[ myth ]]
[[ myth ]]
All you have to know is the PROCESS of [[ desire ]] .

And this [[ tool / strategy ]] will show you all the magic you need. (Ok, there’s no magic, just proven steps.)
[[ your name ]]
PS: DO IT NOW before it gets lost in the shuffle of life. ☺
What will your story be?
Imagine In 7 Days From Now You’ll Get the First Sale from Your Mini-Course!

Mini courses do not necessarily jump to mind for most “wanna be course creators”. That’s why most people procrastinate as they get stuck by thinking TOO BIG.

If today, you have
●No course
●No huge following
Let me tell you a quick story.
When I moved to Malta 3 years ago, I met one Maltese girl.

She was very ambitious and wanted to create her online course.

She approached me and told me that she literally manifested me into her life. She asked the Universe to send her someone who can guide her towards the passive income, so she could quit her job in the local bank.

And I came along. We sat together for a week, planning and structuring her course.

She had plenty of ideas and we patiently researched each topic and narrowed it to one.

Then I gave her all the tools that I use in my business. By the end of that month, she had to produce her first module.

However, since she had plenty of module ideas in her mind I had to constantly work on ditching some of her ideas. And she produced only 1 module and that’s it.

Fast forward 3 years.

●Do you think she launched her course? Nope.
●Do you think she finished her course? Nope.
●Do you think she quit her job? Nope.

I was surprised when a week ago we were having fun together and she told me exactly the same thing as 3 years ago (we stayed friends coz Malta is super small ☺ )

She literally said: “I want to create online courses and earn passive income like you.”

So, 3 years ago, she was able to complete only one module.

Why she didn’t launch that module as a mini-course? Because it was incomplete in its structure.

Since then, I’ve gained experience too and learned to launch complete mini-courses. The size of any of my mini-course is like her 1 module.

But my mini-courses are all complete in their idea and structure.
How did I do it?
Check out my STEP-BY-STEP Profitable Mini Course Vault. So you can COPY my process with your mini course.
Why would you do that?

You don’t want to wake up fast forward 3 years later and say the same thing:
“I haven’t created my online course yet”.
Join my Profitable Mini Course Vault »
And this stress free system will show you all the magic you need. (Ok, there’s no magic, just proven steps.)
PS: DO IT NOW before it gets lost in the shuffle of life. ☺



Question? Answered »

Hey [first name]!
It’s [your name] from [yourwebsite.com] here 🙂
If you have been reading my emails, you would know that I currently have a special offer running for my course, (product name) [link to sales page].

I have received quite a few questions about (product name), so I’m going to give answers to some of the most popular questions today!
What is (product name)?
[Answer the question]
Who is (product name) for?
If you are someone who…
1) [Describe who your course is for – make it easy for them to identify themselves as a suitable student]

2) [Describe who your course is for – make it easy for them to identify themselves as a suitable student]
…this course will help you get … [end goal]
Sounds like you? Click here to enroll in (product name) before the special offer ends.
Why is [your methodology] so great?
[Answer why the particular strategy you teach is so effective]
What makes (product name) different from other offerings?
[Answer the question here]
Should I buy it now?
A wise man once said, “The best time to plant a tree was yesterday. The next best time is now.”

The same applies to you. If not now, then when? Imagine where you would be in a few months if you started today. You can do this!

I would advise you to get the course now, and then go through it one step at a time.
You will have instant access the moment you purchase, plus lifetime access to the courses so that you can go through them at your own pace.

Click here to enroll in (product name) now! 😉 [link to sales page] Come [achieve end goal] with me?

Okay, that’s all for now!

Now’s the time for you to get started. You deserve this. If you start today, imagine how your life will be like 30 days from now!
Signing off,

[Your name]

P.S. Remember, not only will it get you [insert specific benefit provided by the tripwire here], but it will also give you the momentum you desperately need to achieve [insert broad-based desired end result].

Get off the fence and get started NOW:


Questions? Answered »

It’s Liya from coursehustle.com here 🙂

If you have been reading my emails, you would know that I currently have a special offer running for my course, Profitable Mini Course Vault.

I have received quite a few questions about my offer, so I’m going to give answers to some of the most popular questions today!

Is this a course of PDF?

Well, it’s not just a course. It’s a course PLUS set of fill-in-the-blanks templates. Now, you don’t need to spend hours figuring out your copy, your audience, etc etc. Just pick a template, fill in the blanks and… that’s it. Additionally, I will walk you through each template.

I am in Law of Attraction niche will this work for me?

Yes. I have created this Vault together with templates to be “fill-in-the-blank” style so that it can be effectively used across niches.

All templates are 100% customizable for you to easily access, edit, and use for your business.

Sounds like you? Click here to enroll in Profitable Mini Course Vault before the special offer ends.

What if I am not Tech-Savvy?

That’s EXACTLY why I’ve dedicated the whole module: Tech for Non Techies and added templates. You can just plug and play and follow the steps. It’s super easy, believe me.
Should I buy it now?

A wise man once said, “The best time to plant a tree was yesterday. The next best time is now.”

The same applies to you. If not now, then when? Imagine where you would be in a few months if you started today. You can do this!

I would advise you to get the course now, and then go through it one step at a time.
You will have instant access the moment you purchase, plus lifetime access to the courses so that you can go through them at your own pace.

Click here to enroll in Profitable Mini Course Vault now! 😉

Come and start creating your mini course with me?

Okay, that’s all for now!

Now’s the time for you to get started. You deserve this. If you start today, imagine how your life will be like 30 days from now!

Signing off,


P.S. Remember, not only will it get you [insert specific benefit provided by the tripwire here], but it will also give you the momentum you desperately need to achieve [insert broad-based desired end result].

Get off the fence and get started NOW:

Profitable Mini Course Vault »



[[ name ]] , is this for you?


Have you seen the “ [[ product ]] ” training?

It’s a [[ product type ]] where I show you EXACTLY what I did to [[ result ]] .

[[ obstacle ]]

I’ll show you [[ things ]] . . . EVERYTHING ( even things that didn’t work and solutions to overcoming those problems).

And more importantly, I’ll tell you exactly what to do to [[ desire ]] (additional benefit).

But you might ask,

“Is it for me? I’m not [[ objection ]]. ”

Look, if you are [[ audience ]] and you [[ do ]] , my answer is YES!
Because the principles and strategies are the same [[ where ]] ! And, fortunately for you, you [[ obstacle ]] .

So it means … If you use the same strategies and principles that I’ve been using … What do you think would happen?
Yes! [[ result ]] !
And if not, I’ve got your back.

Here is the deal:

Either you have [[result]] in [[time frame]] or your money back. Click here to see all the details .

PS: And because I love to work with action takers in my program “ [[ product ]] ” the special price is available only for a short time.



Liya, is this for you?


Have you seen the “ Profitable Mini Course Vault ” offer?

It’s a video training where I show you EXACTLY how to create mini courses from scratch and package, price and validate it.

Without any testimonials. Without any following.

I’ll show you my ads, mockups, Facebook ad settings, email sequences . . . EVERYTHING.
And more importantly, I’ll tell you exactly what to do to start selling your mini course profitably (I was profitable from DAY 1 when I pre-sold my course) .

But you might ask,

“Is it for me? I’m not in the marketing niche. I’m in ______ (fill in your niche).”
Look, if you are an expert, coach, or speaker and you sell (or want to sell) a digital product, my answer is
YES! Why?
Because the principles and strategies are the same in every niche!
And, fortunately for you, you aren’t in as competitive a space as I am. This field is full of experienced marketers.

So it means . . . If you use the same strategies and principles that I’ve been using in your less-competitive niche . . . What do you think would happen?
Yes! Sales! A lot of them.
And if not, I’ve got your back.

Here is the deal:

If you face any issue building you funnel, your slides or stuck with copywriting I will provide support from my side.
Just reach out to me at [email protected] and I will get back to you with a Zoom link. So we can go though your mini course LIVE together and I’ll give you complimentary feedback on face-to-face basis.


PS: And because I love to work with action takers in my program “ Profitable Mini Course Vault ” the course is soon set to become an upsell offer for $197.

Save $160 and get this offer for $37!



Only 48 hours left


If you haven’t seen how the “ [[ product ]] ” training can help you . . .
…check this out quickly »

Because in less than 48 hours the price will go up.

In the program, I take your hand and show you EXACTLY what [[ result ]] in [[ obstacle ]]
And you can DO THE SAME!
It doesn’t matter [[ objection ]] because principles are the same.
Let me be clear. I’m not trying to tell you there aren’t any roadblocks when it comes to [[ desire ]] .
Because there are.

I want to give you the strategies I used to solve my problems and [[ result ]] . That’s way, you can do it too.
Check this out quickly »

Look, if you implement what I’ll show you, your [[ life / business ]] will never be the same.
But you have less than 48 hours to act if you want to get this training for a special price. Click here.



Only 48 hours left


If you haven’t seen how the “Profitable Mini Course Vault” training can help you . . . check this out quickly »
Because in less than 48 hours the offer will end.
In the program, I take your hand and show you EXACTLY how I create Mini courses in 24 hours or less.
And you can DO THE SAME!
It doesn’t matter what niche you are in because principles are the same.
You get a Simple “Stress-Free” Mini-Course Creation System. The templates and step-by-step training will help you launch your mini-course in a week or less even if you’re working full time.

Profitable Mini Course Vault »
Look, if you implement what I’ll show you, your business will never be the same.
But you have less than 48 hours to act if you want to get this training for a special price. Click here.


Subject Line: New Surprise Bonus Added!

Email Copy:

Hey [first name]!

Surprise! As if things couldn’t get any better…

I have added a new bonus to [Course Name] – The [Bonus Name Here]!

This bonus will help you to… [talk about why the bonus is so amazing]. You can learn more about this new bonus here. [link to the sales page with new bonus]
I decided to add this bonus at the last minute yesterday because [explain why you wanted to add this bonus].

When you enroll in [Course Name] within the next 24 HOURS, you will get this ADDITIONAL bonus on top of everything you will be getting already!

But hop on now, because this new bonus is only for everyone who enrolls within the next 24 hours. Just felt like giving all you action takers a little spicy something 🙂

*If you are already enrolled, don’t worry, all new bonuses will always be given to existing students**

With [Course Name], you will be able to…
● [Benefit #1]

● [Benefit #2]

● [Benefit #3]

Click here to check out [Course Name] and get the [Bonus Name] when you enroll within the
next 24 hours! [link to sales page]

Signing off,



Subject Line: New Surprise Bonus Added!

Email Copy:

Hi FirstName!

Surprise! As if things couldn’t get any better…
I have added a new bonus to my Profitable Mini Course Vault – I will give feedback for your sales page, your copy and your mini course if you join today.

This bonus will help you to see if you’re in the right track.

I decided to add this bonus at the last minute yesterday because I know how it is frustrating to buy a course and get no feedback from the instructor.

Some of them even don’t reply to questions.

When you enroll in Profitable Mini Course Vault within the next 24 HOURS, you will get this ADDITIONAL bonus on top of everything you will be getting already!

But hop on now, because this new bonus is only for everyone who enrolls within the next 24 hours.

Just felt like giving all you action takers a little spicy something 🙂

*If you are already enrolled, don’t worry, all new bonuses will always be given to existing students**

With Profitable Mini Course Vault, you will be able to…
●Mini-Course Training Program (Value $197)
●Course Creation Planner (Value $37)
●Mini-Course Slide Deck (Value $59)
●Sales Page Helper (Value $97)
●Facebook Ad Templates (Value $97)
●BONUS 1: Pre-sell, Launch Email Sequence Templates (Value $99)
●BONUS 2: Social Media Vault (Value $197)
●BONUS 3: Tech for Non Techies

Additional Expiring BONUS:

●Feedback for your sales page, your copy and your mini course.
Click here to check out Profitable Mini Course Vault and get the Above Bonus when you enroll within the next 24 hours!

Profitable Mini Course Vault $37 »

Signing off,




[FINAL CALL] Results You Can Expect


Hey [[ first name ]]

Let’s get right to it … what result you expect from [[ your course name]]?

Result #1: [[ Describe result 1 here]]

No more watching endless youtube videos and reading blog posts.

Result #2: [[ Describe result 2 here ]]

No more being 100% dependent on [[something]] and trading hours for dollar.

Result #3: [[ Describe result 3 here ]]

No more fear of [[something]] and hoping that [[something]] won’t eat up your [[something]].

What’s next?

Join Profitable Mini Course Vault $37 »
I can’t wait to work together with you!


P.S. – Scrolled to the end without reading? The fast-action bonuses for [[course name]] worth $ [[value]] will expire in [[time]] hours. Click here to check them out »


[FINAL CALL] Results You Can Expect



Let’s get right to it … what result you expect from Profitable Mini Course Vault?

Result #1: You can expect finally figure out how to turn your idea into an online course.

No more watching endless youtube videos and reading blog posts.

Result #2: You can expect to create your online course from top to bottom with a fully functional funnel.

No more being 100% dependent on your coaching clients and trading hours for dollar.

Result #3: You can expect finally know how to validate your mini course ideas with Facebook ads.

No more fear of Facebook ads and hoping that Facebook won’t eat up your budget without healthy return on investment.

Know from day one if your ads working or not.

What’s your next step?

If you have at least an idea for your mini course, that’s enough.

Join Profitable Mini Course Vault $37 »
I can’t wait to work together with you!


P.S. – Scrolled to the end without reading? The fast-action bonuses for Profitable Mini Course Vault worth $1000s will expire in few hours. Click here to check them out »



Welcome! You’re IN!


Congratulations, [[ name ]] ! You’re IN!

At the end of this email are 2 essential links.

But first of all, I want to tell you a shocking fact.

The truth is that 95% of the people inside ANY COURSE (including mine) have NO RESULTS.
Only 5% HAVE results (and many of them are AMAZING results). Why?

It’s not because the fist ones get different advice. They all are in the SAME COURSE and get access to the SAME [toolkit/system/product].

The difference is this:
A successful group of people TAKES ACTION.
No course or advice can help you if you don’t take action. I challenge you to TAKE ACTION.

The sooner, the better.

What should you do right now?

STEP 1: Create your account here (if you haven’t yet) .
STEP 2: Join our Facebook group where we support each other (and if you have any questions, post them there) .

See you inside.

PS: I can’t wait to see your amazing results. But remember: You’re the one who is responsible for taking action. Go and crush it!


Welcome! You’re IN!


Congratulations, FIRSTNAME ! You’re IN!
At the end of this email are 2 essential links.

But first of all, I want to tell you a shocking fact.

The truth is that 95% of the people inside ANY COURSE (including mine) have NO RESULTS.
Only 5% HAVE results (and many of them are AMAZING results). Why?

It’s not because the fist ones get different advice. They all are in the SAME COURSE and get access to the SAME system.

The difference is this:
A successful group of people TAKES ACTION.

No course or advice can help you if you don’t take action. I challenge you to TAKE ACTION.

The sooner, the better.
What should you do right now?

STEP 1: Create your account here (if you haven’t yet) .
STEP 2: Join our Facebook group where we support each other (and if you have any questions, post them there) .

See you inside.

PS: I can’t wait to see your amazing results. But remember: You’re the one who is responsible for taking action. Go and crush it!



This is a missing piece


I’m super pumped you’ve bought [[ product ]] .

It will definitely help you [[ desire ]] with the speed of light.

But what should you do next when you have [[ result ]] ?
I know you know 🙂
[[ next thing ]] Right?

Let’s be REAL.

Sometimes (sorry: MOST of the time) , things don’t go the way you wish they did.
You have to try [[ do / problem ]] .

Welcome to the real world. It happens to everybody.

Trust me. I’ve been there so many times.
The good news is that there is a way to [[ desire ]] .
And I want to show you EXACTLY what to do. I was making notes when I started [[ do ]] .

I want you to see what I’ve done STEP BY STEP to [[ result ]] even though:
●Obstacle 1
●Obstacle 2
●Obstacle 3

And do you want to hear the most exciting thing? I was [[ result ]] .
[[ content ]]
So you can COPY the same process to [[ desire ]] .

This is the MISSING piece you need.
And here is the link where you can get it at a special price (for a limited time) .


This is a missing piece


I’m super pumped you’ve bought the Profitable Mini Course Vault.

It will definitely help you create mini courses and write compelling sales pages, ads, and emails with the speed of light.

But what should you do next when you have launched your mini course?

Let’s be REAL.
You will start getting quality buyer leads from Facebook and since you’ve sold them your only mini course you have left with no other offer, right?

Should you create another mini course?
Well, let’s look at mini offers from different angles.

How about you quickly launch a pdf offer?
Welcome to the world of irresistible PDF templates.
Trust me. Before learning about PDF offers I’ve been creating one course after another. Exhausted. Unhappy.

Courses are time consuming, we all know that.
I’ve been there so many times.
The good news is that there is a way to boost your income without creating the next course.
And I want to show you EXACTLY how to do that with Profitable Mini Templates.
I want you to see what I’ve done STEP BY STEP to create my first PDF offer and validate with Facebook ads »
even though:
● my product wasn’t finished yet;

● I didn’t have any following (no Facebook followers, tiny email list);

● I didn’t have any testimonials on the page;

● and nobody knows me.

Pull Irresistible PDF Offers Out of Thin Air and Launch Them to Your Audience.

Profitable Mini Templates is Your Solution to Create, Sell, and Deliver Templates That Bring In Extra Cash Every Month

Even If You Are Not A Designer!

This is the MISSING piece you need.

And here is the link where you can get it at a special price (for a limited time) .





The ugly truth


I know you have to face [[problem]] EVERY SINGLE DAY where gurus are trying to sell their this-is-the-secret-nobody-knows strategy . . .

The strategy, which works for everyone . . .

Every day . . .

No matter what . . .

But they don’t know you are too smart to believe there is a magic pill that solves all [[ niche ]] problems.

The ugly truth is that there is NO [[ audience ]] with a 100% success rate in [[ niche ]] .

Everyone has failed. At least once.

The most successful people have failed so many times, you can’t even count how many.
Ups and downs: Both are part of the process.

And that’s why I want to show you how I [[ result ]] . I want to share with you all my ups and downs.

If you claim the training “ [[ product ]] ” you will see all the problems I had to face and how I solved them.

And the most important part: I will tell you EXACTLY what you should do if you have (or will have) the same problems.

That way, you will know how to overcome them.

Claim the “ [[ product ]] ” training while it’s still available for a special price.


The ugly truth


I know you have to face so many ads EVERY SINGLE DAY where gurus are trying to sell their PDF templates to you…

This strategy works for everyone . . .

Every day . . .

No matter what . . .

But … How that will work for you if you’re not a designer like them or don’t have an expensive designer working for you?

I’ll tell you a secret … Me Neither! I don’t have a designer degree. Shhhh! No one needs to know that. What?

Here me out. I am going to show you my simple design techniques in these 4 part laser focused trainings where you’ll learn how to create, package, price and sell different mini templates.
You don’t need any expensive software for that. You don’t even need to be on camera. Having a free account in Canva and Trello is sufficient.
The ugly truth is that none of those gurus are designers or hired a designer.
They use CANVA too.

Discover how to create offers overnight. The quick and painless way!

Join Profitable Mini Templates »

And … Offer Your Customers Gorgeous Templates Without Wasting Hours Creating One From Scratch.

Onboarding New Client sand Good bye or Cancellation Email Pack


Purpose: Follow up after a sale or when someone signs up to your program. Subject Line: Drum Roll Pleaseeee…. Email Outline: Hi [First name], Welcome to [program name]. We’re beyond thrilled that you chose us! We’re confident that [program name] will help you [summary of key benefit or benefits of program]. Get to know us in our [title] video. You’ll be guided through [name of program] by our [name of coach and what they do] to ensure you get the very best out of our service. You can also find more of our guides here to learn more about [program name]. Take care! [Your name]


Purpose: Give a quick complement and add value (2 days after the first email)

Subject Line:

Seriously, we can’t stop popping the bubbly🍾

Email Outline:

Hi [First name]

We are still reeling at the excitement of having you as part of the community. We
can’t wait for you to go through [program] and start seeing results in your

We created [program] as [story behind why your program was created].

We’d love to know what the major factor was that influenced your buying
decision. Your feedback helps us to make sure that we’re delivering exactly what
customers want. Just hit reply and let me know.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sending you a few more emails to help you
gain maximum value from . We’ll share our favorite tips and provide
some exciting behind-the-scenes information.

As always, our support team can be reached at [email address] if you ever get
stuck, remember we are right here with you.

Guiding you all the way on your journey to world domination.

Thanks once again for choosing to be a vital part of our community.!

Have a great day!


[Your name]


Purpose: Cancel the program, trial, membership, subscription, service due to no

Subject Line:

Your [Program] Cancelled…

Email Outline:

Hey [First name]

Hope you are doing well. I’m reaching out to let you know that your membership
for {program name} has been cancelled.

We strive to accommodate most of our customer’s needs, however at this time
we haven’t received the payment so we have cancelled your membership for
now .

We would be thrilled to speak to you at a later date, when you’ll be ready to start
working with us again.

Hope to serve you soon. Have a lovely day ahead [First name].

[Your name]


Purpose: Ask for survey after client cancelling the program, trial, membership,
subscription, service

Subject Line:

Can you please help us out with this quick 60 second feedback survey?

Email Outline:

We’re sorry to see you go and are interested in learning more about why you
decided to cancel your (product name) subscription.

Your responses will be kept confidential and will not be used for any purpose
other than research conducted by our company.

Here is the link for 60 second feedback survey >>

Thank you,

[Your name]




#1 problem (and solution)


Let’s face it.

If you are [[ audience ]] , you probably know that your [[ problem ]].

The question is:
What was the problem?

One person tells you that [[ problem ]] , another tells you that [[ problem ]] .

But the REAL problem is elsewhere:

[[ skill / strategy ]] !

[[ proof ]]

But if you’re like me, you don’t want to [[ problem ]] , right?

Nor do you want to [[ problem ]] .

But there is a SOLUTION.

This solution helped me [[ result ]] .

The solution is . . . [[ tool / strategy ]]

Use [strategy] to [desire] in [time].
I would like to introduce you to my Pre-Sell Offer:

[[Link »]]
I’ll be launching on [[date]] and till then here are my bonuses to satisfy the waiting time:

●What’s included
●What’s included
●What’s included

It’s the tiniest investment you can make and still have a realistic expectation of results.

[[Offer]] + [[Price]]

[[Link »]]


Perfection is the killer of your income


Let’s face it.

If you are an expert, coach, or speaker, you probably know that you should have created your course by now so you could free up time in your coaching business, right?

The question is:

How do you do that if you’re already too busy?

One guru says you need a signature course, second one says you need a perfect sales page and third one says you need upsells and downsells on top of your course.

So you start procrastinating.

But the REAL problem is elsewhere:


You overly complicate your course to be the ultimate be-all, end-all resource for your clients in a perfectly packaged digital program.

This overwhelm tends to stop coaches from developing courses in the first place.
But there is a SOLUTION.

You don’t have to cover every topic. Every example or every situation to create a winning outcome for your clients.

You can share just one outcome. One Micro Result! So …
The solution is . . . a MINI COURSE.

Offer your clients a quick outcome with a short 30 to 60 minutes course. Follow the system with fill-in-the-blanks templates to get your sales pages, emails, and ads written in just 7 days. But …How?

The old way of creating a long course over the 3-6 months with plenty of modules isn’t working anymore.

So, I would like to introduce you to my Pre-Sell Offer:

[Pre-SELL Offer $37] Create Your Own Profitable Mini-Course in a Week »

I will be launching the training + templates program on 11th August and to satisfy the waiting time I am adding amazing Pre-Launch bonuses and 50+ templates:

●Mini-Course Training Program (Value $197)
●Course Creation Planner (Value $37)
●Mini-Course Slide Deck (Value $59)
●Sales Page Templates (Value $97)
●Facebook Ad Templates (Value $97)
●BONUS 1: Facebook Ads Training (Value $197)
●BONUS 2: Launch Email Sequence Templates (Value $99)
●BONUS 3: Social Media Vault (Value $197)

TODAY, all for just $37.

It’s the tiniest investment you can make and still have a realistic expectation of results.



Did you know? [[ parable ]] .
I know it sounds weird, but give me a sec.
Because at the end of this email, I have something specially designed for [[ audience ]] .
Here’s the thing:
[[ parable ]] .

Let me explain. [[ process ]] .
No rocket science.

It’s the same with [[ skill / strategy ]]
No guessing. No testing. No wasted time.
Just follow the [[ process ]]
That’s it.
[[ your name ]]

PS: For all [[ audience ]] who feel that being a beginner at [[ skill ]] is their
DISADVANTAGE, here’s the thing:
Turn it into your advantage and…

Join the Mini Course »



Did you know? You Need 24 Hrs Only


Hi [First Name]

Did you know you could create a mini course in 24 hours or less?

I know it sounds weird, but give me a sec.

Because at the end of this email, I have something specially designed for experts, coaches, and speakers.

Here’s the thing:
You can create your Mini Course in the next 24 hours.
Difficult to believe?

Well, there were times I’ve created 2-3 courses in a day. I know people who create up to 10 courses per day.

How is that possible?

Only with a system »

No rocket science.
Don’t go freestyle… that’s a wrong approach. Why? I’ve been there, done that. Freestyle doesn’t work when it comes to online courses.

No guessing. No testing. No wasted time.
Just follow the simple stress free Mini Course creation system and get a little cash and confidence boost:

1.Pick a topic
2.Use my slide deck
3.Script & Record

That’s it.

I will show you how here »

PS: For all experts who feel overwhelm when it comes to course creation, here’s the thing:
Follow the proven Mini course creation system…

Use My Slide Deck and Fill-In-The-Blanks Templates To Get Your Sales Pages, Emails and Ads DONE much faster.
Join the Profitable Mini Course Vault at $37 Today»




Don’t say I didn’t warn you


Look, [[ audience ]] usually ask me:
“What is the #1 thing when it comes to [[ skill ]] ? What would help me the most to [ desire]]? “
And my answer is the same EVERY SINGLE TIME :
[[ skill ]] !
But they tell me something like this:
“You know, I‘m not good at [[ skill ]]. “
“ [[ problem ]]“
And I understand.
That‘s the reason WHY I created [[ product ]] . (And, it works, even if you are a complete newbie).
But, you know what?
[[ audience ]] usually reply:

“I don‘t think the problem is in [[ skill ]] . I think the problem is in my ([ [ other things ]] – pick one).“
And then, they spend endless weeks, months, or, (in the worst cases,) years wasting their energy on an [[ problem ]] thing.
It‘s a pity, isn‘t it?
Fortunately, you already know that.
And now, you have 2 choices:
1) Start focusing on [ [ skill ]] , because it can [[ desire ]] (and [[ product ]] will help you with it ).
2) Do something completely different.

The choice is yours.

[[ your name ]]

PS: But, if you pick the 2nd option… Please, don’t write later that I didn’t warn you.

Get it now until its too late!



Don’t say I didn’t warn you


Look, entrepreneurs usually ask me:

“What is the #1 thing when it comes to creating online courses? What would help me the most to create my digital product and tick on DONE?“
And my answer is the same EVERY SINGLE TIME :

But they tell me something like this:
“You know, I‘m not good at design. I struggle to design beautiful slides for my course“
“I hate writing. So I cannot script my lessons because I stare at blank page for hours“
“I am camera shy”
And I understand.
That‘s the reason WHY I created Profitable Mini Course Vault, the system with set of fill-in-the-blanks templates that make course creation process super easy. (And, it works, even if you are too busy coach).

But, you know what?
Entrepreneurs usually reply:
“ I don’t think the system will help me because the problem is in my fear of camera, I don’t have an expensive camera, I need to buy a teleprompter etc“
And then, they ditch the idea or they start procrastinating, put of to a later date.
It‘s a pity, isn‘t it?

Fortunately, you already know that.

And now, you have 2 choices:

1) Follow the system and create your mini course in the next 24 hours, because it can explode your business (and Profitable Mini Course Vault will help you with it »).

2) Wait until your Teleprompter will arrive from China with Aliexpress.
The choice is yours.

Profitable Mini Course Pre-sell offer is Ending Tonight »
Get it now until its too late!

With the vault you get the whole system:
-Course Creation
-Sales Page Copy
-One Sales Funnel You Need
-Your Facebook Ad Validation

Best regards,


PS: But, if you pick the 2nd option… Please, don’t write later that I didn’t warn you.



Welcome! You’re IN!


Congratulations, [[ name ]] ! You’re IN!

At the end of this email are 2 essential links.

But first of all, I want to tell you a shocking fact.

The truth is that 95% of the people inside ANY COURSE (including mine) have NO RESULTS.
Only 5% HAVE results (and many of them are AMAZING results). Why?
It’s not because the fist ones get different advice. They all are in the SAME COURSE and get access to the SAME [toolkit/system/product].

The difference is this:

A successful group of people TAKES ACTION.

No course or advice can help you if you don’t take action. I challenge you to TAKE ACTION.
The sooner, the better.
What should you do right now?

STEP 1: Create your account here (if you haven’t yet) .
STEP 2: Join our Facebook group where we support each other (and if you have any questions, post them there) .
See you inside.

PS: I can’t wait to see your amazing results. But remember: You’re the one who is responsible for taking action. Go and crush it!


Welcome! You’re IN!


Congratulations, FIRSTNAME ! You’re IN!

At the end of this email are 2 essential links.

But first of all, I want to tell you a shocking fact.

The truth is that 95% of the people inside ANY COURSE (including mine) have NO RESULTS.
Only 5% HAVE results (and many of them are AMAZING results). Why?
It’s not because the fist ones get different advice. They all are in the SAME COURSE and get access to the SAME system.

The difference is this:
A successful group of people TAKES ACTION.
No course or advice can help you if you don’t take action. I challenge you to TAKE ACTION.
The sooner, the better.
What should you do right now?

STEP 1: Create your account here (if you haven’t yet) .
STEP 2: Join our Facebook group where we support each other (and if you have any questions, post them there) .
See you inside.
PS: I can’t wait to see your amazing results. But remember: You’re the one who is responsible for taking action. Go and crush it!

Strategy Call Invitation Sequence

Strategy Call Email #1

Purpose: Invite People to a Strategy Call for Your Coaching Offer

Subject Line:

Re: Psst [First name], Our Secret Conversation awaits

Email Outline:

I love a good conversation [First name]. Not just any old chit chat, I mean having a real heart to heart where mini transformations occur.

I had a chance to have one of those kinds of conversations when I was just starting out my [business, career, health journey, relationship etc]

It was a 30 mins conversation that changed the way I saw my [life, business, marriage etc]

It the first time I got some REAL answers to #1 struggle in my [business, life, relationship etc]!

Imagine, how amazing would you feel if you woke up tomorrow morning with insights and answers to [insert niche struggle or painful thing]?

The space where [painful thought] once occupied, that’s now filled up with thoughts of that [#1 insert solution you provide], [#2 solutions you provide] and are able to end your struggle with [insert niche struggle e.g getting clients, losing weight, finding love etc]?

No weight on your chest, no sense of [#1 painful feeling], no [#2 painful feelings]… just feeling… free?

When you have a rock solid action plan for gaining [solution your provide] again, you’ll know that you will 100% trust yourself to [#1 big benefit]. E.g build the business of your dreams or meet the partner you desire etc}

I want to extend the same invitation I was given that changed my life to you because you are special and I do not want you to go another day carrying the weight of [insert struggle] e.g not finding love, getting clients or feeling low etc.

I’d love to get on a call with you for FREE to find out what’s going on that’s keeping you in pain AND map out a way for you to have a life that’s free from the [#1 or #2 painful problem].

.. and of course, get you excited for [#1 or #2 big benefits] (even if you thought that [insert limiting self belief].

There’s no charge for these calls, and I do mean it when I say that it might be the best heart-to-heart chat you’ve ever had on [#1 painful problem].

Don’t just take my word for it, look at what other [people like your email subscribers] just like you have to say:

[insert social proof of how great your call is]

It is 100% FREE and there is NO CATCH. But it’s not for everyone.

Here’s who this call is for:

1. You are 100% COMMITTED and ready to invest in a transformative experience that will change your problems around [pain point] for GOOD. You don’t mess around. You want this solved.

2. Your time is valuable and do not want to waste another minute struggling with [insert pain point].

3. You are COACHABLE and open to new perspectives so you can finally live your BEST life with peace, confidence and joy.

If that sounds like you.. let’s get you unstuck, now.

Click here to book a free heart-to-heart chat with me. We’ll even break out the wine or kombucha, whatever you prefer. 😉

Talk soon,

[Your name]

P.S. If you sound exactly like who this call is for, but you’re scared to book it, just hit “reply” for a non-scary email chat with me.

Prefer a heart to heart like me? Book your call here: [insert link here]

Strategy Call Email #2

Purpose: Remind Those Who Booked a Call to Complete the Pre-Call Questionnaire

Subject Line:

Re: Yay, Your Session is booked

Email Outline:

Hey — [First name] here again…

Congratulations on snagging your spot on my calendar for our heart to heart conversation. You are my kind of person.

Just one more thing, so we can both make the most of our time together, please complete the pre-call booking questionnaire.

Click the link below to complete the questionnaire so we can confirm your appointment…


It’s just a few questions and will take less than 5 minutes to complete. Looking forward to our conversation soon!

Talk soon,

[Your name]
Strategy Call Email #3

Strategy Call Email #3

Purpose: Cancel the Call for the People Who Did Not Submit the Pre-Call Questionnaire

Subject Line:

Strategy session Cancelled…

Email Outline:

Hey [First name]

Hope you are doing well. I’m reaching out to let you know that your strategy session for {appointment time and date} has been cancelled.

We strive to accommodate most of our prospects, however at this time we haven’t received the answers to the pre-call questionnaire.

Without this information, I will not be able to provide value to make the most of our time together, so you can walk away with actionable steps to apply in your [business, health, life etc]

We receive a ton of applications and we have to give priority to those who have submitted their questionnaires.

We would be thrilled to speak to you at a later date.

Hope to serve you soon. Have a lovely day ahead [First name].

[Your name]

Strategy Call Email #4

Purpose: Confirm the Call With the People Who Submitted Their Pre-Call Questionnaire

Subject Line:

Re: Strategy Call for [First name] Confirmed.

Email Outline:

Hi [First name],

I’m thrilled to talk to you soon, your mini transformation is about to begin. Thank you for taking the time to complete your pre-call questionnaire.

There is nothing else to do for now.

Just a quick heads up to say…

I have received the answers to your questionnaire and I’m looking forward to speaking with you at [insert appointment time and date]

Talk soon

[Your name]

Strategy Call Email #5

Purpose: Share a client testimonial to showcase your expertise and prime the client to take the desired action on the call

Subject Line:

It all started with a heart to heart. How [client] achieved [end goal] in just [time frame]…

Email Outline:

Hi, [First name]. Meet [insert client name e.g Joan]…

Share a client story e.g Joan is a firecracker, she is one of those people who could light up a room in a few minutes with her presence…

But yet.. in Nov 2019, Joan had run out of fire and options for her [insert business, life, marriage, relationship]

She was at her wits and couldn’t see a way out, that was until our paths crossed
When we first worked together in November, Joan was at the lowest point in her [life,business, marriage, health etc] and in her own words, a “hot mess.”

Fast forward 1.5 years later to May 2021, It’s a different story for Joan, she has been able to [insert results client got as a result of your service or product] and it all started with one heart to heart conversation.

I hope you are inspired [First name]

Talk soon,

[Your name]

Strategy Call Email #6

Purpose: Check in with your client

Subject Line:

It’s about that time. My coffee is brewing…

Email Outline:

Hi [First name]

It’s d -day , I just wanted to check in with you. I have my coffee maker working hard so we can enjoy a virtual cuppa as we have our heart to heart conversation.

I am looking forward to learning more about you and your [Insert reason for the call e.g business relationship, life etc]

Please click the link below at the scheduled time to join me

[Insert Zoom meeting link]

In the meantime, I have a quick video that I created just for you.


It is only 2 minutes long, please watch it before our call.

Talk soon,

[Your name]

Survey Testimonial Referral Emails

Email #1- Push to Survey

Email Title: Quick Question…


I was wondering if you could help me out, ~FirstName~?
I’m looking for a bit of feedback, just to make sure [company name] is doing a good job.
So I’m asking valued clients (that’s you, by the way) to answer just 1 question about us…

On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to refer [company name]?
I’m only asking because client satisfaction, for us, is critical and we need to know how people feel about our (products / service).

And it’s really easy to submit your answer — all you have to do is click here and select your answer on a 1-10 scale.

And please be as brutally honest as you like.

I really would appreciate it if you spared a few seconds to answer this question. Thanks a lot!



Email #2- Push to Survey

Email Title: Can you help me?

Just curious, ~FirstName~ — did you see my last email?

I’m still searching for some feedback off valued clients you see, including you. So I was hoping you could take just a moment to answer this question for me…

On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to refer [company]?
It’s very easy to answer.

All you have to do is click here to go to the question page and then select your answer from a scale of 1-10.

The reason I’m asking, is to just make sure you’re a happy client who’s getting continued satisfac- tion from (product/service).

Your opinion is important me (and in fact my whole team) so please share it by clicking here.
Thank you!



Email #3- Push to Survey

Email Title: Are you still a happy [customer/client/patient]?

Why are you holding back, ~FirstName~?

I thought everyone loved to share their opinion…

Would you take just a few seconds to answer a question about [company]?

On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to refer us?

Not knowing how you found your experience with [company name] is starting to grate on me, like an incessant itch.

Because it’s important for me (and my whole team) to know that each client gets continued satis- faction from our (products/services).

All you have to do is click here and give your answer on a scale of 1-10.

It shouldn’t take more than a few seconds to give your answer, and I really would appreciate it.

Thank you.



Email #4- Push to Testimonial 1

Email Title: I’m blushing…

Wow, ~FirstName~, thanks for the amazing feedback!

Since you seem so happy with our work, would you mind giving a short testimonial?

Just a sentence or two sharing your thoughts on [company] which I could then share with other clients would be brilliant!

All you have to do is hit “reply” and type out a quick comment reflecting your opinion. I can’t wait to see it.

Thanks a lot!



P.S. If you need some inspiration, feel free to visit our website where you can find an entire page dedicated to testimonials.

Email #5- Push to Testimonial 2

Email Title: Are you still able to help?

Hi ~FirstName~, just wondering where you’re up to with the testimonial?

Since you gave [survey score] on our referral question, it would be wonderful to have your opinion reflected in a couple of short sentences.

Our reviews page can be found on our website if you would like some inspiration.

You never know, one day we could even be showing your testimonial to others to give them some ideas.

Just hit “reply” to this email and send back a few kind words. Thank you.



Email #6- Passive Push to Testimonial 1

Email Title: Wow, thanks!

Hi ~FirstName~,

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.

Since you scored [survey score] on the referral scale, I was hoping you could write a short testimo- nial reflecting this opinion?

It doesn’t need to be anything special – just a couple of sentences which I can share with other clients.

All you have to do is hit “reply” and send back a quick statement. Thanks,



P.S. If you need some inspiration, check out our reviews page for ideas.

Email #7- Passive Push to Testimonial 2

Email Title: What’s holding you back?

I really appreciate your feedback from the referral scale, ~FirstName~,

So I’ll ask again if you could also give [company name] a short testimonial sharing your view?

All you have to do is reply to this email with a sentence or 2 about your experiences so far with us. It will only take a minute.

If you’re not sure what to say, check out our reviews page for ideas. Thanks a lot!



Email #8- Push to Referral

Email Title: One more thing…


Who do you know who might appreciate having a relationship with [company name]?

I’m only asking because about 98% of new customers come through referrals from existing [clients /patients, etc] like you.

So here’s my shameless bribe…

For every person you refer our way that becomes a proper customer, I’ll

[put your name into a grand prize draw / send you a thank you gift!]

[Insert bribe / offer / discount / prize. Include usual price to prove value.]

Whoa! I’m kind of bitter that I can’t refer myself and get that bargain, to be honest. Give yourself a chance for that [offer / prize / discount] by referring people now!
The ball’s in your court, ~FirstName~. Don’t let me down.

Click here to get referring!


Email #9- Push to Referral

Email Title: Twiddling my thumbs…

I haven’t had anyone knocking on the door and mentioning your name,

But you’ve still got a chance to [enter that grand prize draw / get that thank you gift] by referring now!

Here’s a reminder of what you could get your hands on:

[Insert bribe / offer / discount / prize. Include usual price to prove value.]

The reason I’m asking is because 98% of new customers come through referrals from existing [cli- ents /patients, etc] like you…

And the whole [business] team wants to share our efficient and effective

7 Figure Email System
$67.00 $4.79 Add to cart
with as many people as we can.

Which is why I would love you to suggest our work to a friend, relative or colleague.
So click here to refer someone now.



Email #10- Push to Referral

EmailTitile: Last chance you get [insert bribe]

It’s a shame that you don’t seem interested in referring [company name] to a friend, ~FirstName~.

Especially since [your name will be added to a prize draw / I’m offering you a special thank you for each one that becomes a proper customer.]

Here’s a reminder of what you could in with a chance for… [Insert bribe / offer / discount / prize. Include usual price to prove value.]

So refer someone here! <<

You might like to know that this is your last chance to [enter our grand prize draw / get that thank you gift] and I don’t want you to miss out!

Refer while you still have a chance! Have a good day.


Email #11- Referral Made

Email Title: You did it!

Thank you for referring us, ~FirstName~!

Thanks to you, [company name] is a step closer to having a new member in our family.

And remember, if any of your referrals become proper customers, then [your name will enter the grand prize draw / you’ll receive the thank you gift of… ].

Just my little way of saying thank you. Have a good day.


The Client Getting Email Sequence

Email #1


Here’s your free [GUIDE | CHECKLIST | RESOURCE]




I really hope you find it helpful.

As a [COACH | THERAPIST | MENTOR] who works with a lot of people just like you, I know how challenging it can be.

Every day you have to overcome [VERY COMMON PROBLEM]. You battle against [ANOTHER PROBLEM].

You know you have the potential for so much MORE, but just can’t seem to get there.

I’ve got some really good news though.

You CAN do it.

You CAN overcome.

I’ve seen so many people do it, and I’m confident you can too.

The steps laid out in [NAME OF RESOURCE] are your first step in the right direction.

Remember, you can’t reach the goal if you don’t know the path to take. Now you’ve got a roadmap pointing you in the right direction.

If you have any questions about this, let me know. I’m here to help.

Talk soon,


Email #2


Let me ask you a simple question…



Can I ask you a simple question?

What’s your biggest challenge right now in [YOUR AREA OF EXPERTISE]?

You know… the thing that keeps you up at night. The thing that you DREAM about fixing.

If I were a genie and could grant you one wish… what would it be?

Email me back and let me know.

What I’ve often found is that the biggest challenges can often be overcome with SIMPLE strategies.

So hit reply and let me know. What do you wish you could fix right NOW?

Talk soon,


Email #3


If [NAME OF PERSON IN STORY] did it, you can too…



I want to tell you a story about a person I worked with named [THEIR NAME].

Just like you, they struggled with [REALLY COMMON STRUGGLE].

They couldn’t figure out how to make any progress and they felt really STUCK.

When I first met [THEIR NAME], they were really [DISCOURAGED | FRUSTRATED | DEPRESSED | ETC.]

The first thing I did was introduce them to the idea of [COMMON STRATEGY / TACTIC YOU ENCOURAGE].


It’s one of the simplest, most POWERFUL ways to make progress in [COMMON STRUGGLE].

When [THEIR NAME] put this to work, here’s what began to change:

●[RESULT #1]

●[RESULT #2]

●[RESULT #3]

●[RESULT #4]

Suddenly they were making real PROGRESS!

I want to encourage you to try this in your life as well! This may not change things overnight, but it will lead to MOVEMENT, and that’s what matters.


If you feel like you could use a little boost in this area…I’d LOVE to help. I’d love to see you make the kind of progress that [CLIENT IN STORY NAME] made in this area.

So what do you say? Let’s make the magic together?

[Click here to book a call with me! // Tap reply to book a call with me]

Talk soon,


Email #4


Two are better than one…right?



If there’s one thing I’ve learned in all the work I’ve done, it’s that you make more progress when you have someone helping you.

If you try to do everything alone…

…you’ll STUMBLE


…and be tempted to GIVE UP.

But when you have a cheerleader, pushing you toward your best self? That’s when REAL progress happens.

And there are few things I love more than seeing people like you realize their full POTENTIAL.

Would you let me be your cheerleader? Would you let me run alongside you in your journey?

We could make AMAZING things happen.

Bottom line: I’m here to help.

So what do you say? Let’s book a call so we can create a simple plan for helping you get where you want to go?

Yes, Let’s Do This!

If you have any questions about this, let me know!

Talk soon,


Email #5


Would you answer this with a big YES?



Let’s have a little chat. Pull up a chair, grab a drink, and get comfy.

Let me ask you: do you feel like you’re reaching your full potential?

Are your dreams fulfilled?

Are you living the life you DESIRE?

Most people would say they’re not.

But why is that? What’s holding them back?

Most of the time, it boils down to ONE… MAIN… THING:

…they try to do it ALL themselves.

And for a while they may succeed, but in the end they almost always find themselves hitting a wall.

Not making progress.



Does this describe you at all?



If it does, I would LOVE to help you. One of my biggest joys is helping people reach their greatest POTENTIAL.

You’re not far from achieving your goals. All you need is a little push in the right direction.

Someone to cheer you on.

Would you do me the HONOR of letting me be the person who cheers you on, pushes you, and encourages you?

I think we could make great things happen together.

So what do you say? Let’s unlock ALL your greatness.

Click Here to Book A Call

If you have ANY questions, just tap reply. I’m here for you.

Talk soon!


The Gold Client Reactivation Email Sequence

Email #1


Hey, I haven’t heard from you lately!



It’s been awhile since we chatted, so I just wanted to check in.

How are things going for you?

I remember some of the GREAT sessions we had and I wanted to circle back to see how things are progressing.

What are some BIG wins you’ve had?

What are some battles you’re facing?

Many times when I check back in with people, I find them discouraged because they haven’t made the progress they wanted.

In those times, I like to come behind with some serious ENCOURAGEMENT.

So do you need a little pep talk?

Hit reply and let me know how the fight’s going!

Talk soon,


Email #2


The ONE mistake I see so many people make…



I’m going to let you in on a secret. 😉

Do you ever wonder why people can make a TON of progress in an area, then slide back? I’ve seen this far too often…

You know what happens 95% of the time?

They try to do it all ALONE.

When they start, they build a team of people to support and encourage them on their journey. Then they think they’ve got it mastered, and they go off…


…into the wilderness.

They have a stumble or two. Maybe lose a battle here, then another battle there.

And pretty soon they find themselves…


Of course, that’s really FRUSTRATING, right? To lose so much progress?

But I’ve got some seriously good news:

Guess what?

You can hop right back on the wagon!

Sliding backwards isn’t the same thing as quitting! And if there’s one thing I know about you, it’s that you don’t quit!

If you’re tired of doing it all alone, let’s reconnect.

Let me be your biggest cheerleader.

I’d love to support you on your path to success.

So tap reply and let’s reconnect. Let’s make the magic again.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Email #3


I’m giving you PERMISSION to do this…



People tend to have really funny views of themselves.

For example, many of us feel like we have ONE shot at reaching our goals.


…Once we reach our goals, we have to stay there forever or we’ll never get back.

If they slip or make a mistake, they feel like it’s all over.

When it comes to reaching goals and dreams… this mindset will really hurt you.

To help you stay away from this, I want to give you permission to do something.

I’m giving you permission to…

…be human.

Crazy, right?!?

You’re human and we all have slips.

You have permission to slip, but slipping isn’t the end.

You also have permission to GET UP and get started again.

You’re strong enough to do it!

So let’s get going again TOGETHER.

Or, if you’re still running strong, let’s do it TOGETHER!

I’d love to reconnect with you. I’d love to keep working with you through both the highs and lows.

Everyone makes more progress when they have a CHEERLEADER.

So what do you say… can I cheer you on?

Tap reply and let me know how I can cheer you on.

Talk soon,


Email #4


All you do is win, win, win…



One of the most important things I’ve learned is that momentum is EVERYTHING.

Of course, momentum can be a bad thing, like if you start sliding on ice and can’t stop. Ouch!

But momentum can also be an AMAZING thing, like when you’re running and able to leap over objects because of your speed.

Momentum helps you break down walls and PUSH through obstacles.


…build on wins…

…build on wins.

The more success you have, the more you’ll keep having. It’s all about that forward momentum.

How has your momentum been lately? If you have slowed a bit, you can just as easily get going again!

But… in order to get going, you may need a little push!

Can I help you get into high gear again?

Hit reply and let me know… how can I help you right now?

Talk soon,


Email #5


What do Finding Nemo, Lord of the Rings, Dean Martin have in common?



Have you figured out what Finding Nemo, Lord of the Rings, Dean Martin have in common? They all have great teams.

In Finding Nemo, Marlin has Dory to keep him going.

In Lord of the Rings, Frodo has Sam.

And Dean Martin had Jerry Lewis as his duo.

We all need someone to lean on. We all need someone who will keep us going and push us to be our best selves.

No one can do it alone.

Success comes when we TEAM up with others.

In the past, we made a great team, right?

We celebrated some serious WINS!

I’d love to work together again. I loved getting to see you make progress, and I want to see that again!
So what do you say? Can we do some more WINNING together?

Tap reply and let me know. I’d love to help!

I look forward to chatting,


The Flash Sale Sequence

The Flash Sale Sequence Email #1

Hey [first name],
I would always remember a particularly depressing night… [talk about where your subscribers are at right now – agitate the problem and compel them to seek the solution that you want to sell them in this email]

I faced a couple of terrible problems:

● [Point out the symptoms that your subscribers are facing now.]

● [Symptom #2]

● [Symptom #3]

Did I give up? Thankfully, no. Instead, I wholeheartedly devoted myself to [the journey that your subscribers will be on].

Today, I have… [Talk about your relevant wins and successes]. I detail all my best strategies in my [course/ebook/product/service].

I have an ANNOUNCEMENT to make about [Course Name].

If you’ve been thinking about joining [Course Name], TOMORROW’s the best time to do it.

We are running a [the occasion] FLASH SALE for [Course Name] tomorrow… for just [#number] hours 🙂

[Course Name] is THE complete, step-by-step system that I have created for [who your ideal customers are] to [end goal].

Oh, how I wish I had this course when I was first starting out!

It took me years of hustling and trial-and-error to get here… but with [Course Name],

you can skip all that and get straight to doing the work that will help you [end goal].

Does [Course Name] sound like something you would be interested in?

If yes, stay tuned for the email tomorrow because it will be on sale tomorrow. This flash sale is happening only because I want to celebrate [the occasion] with you guys!

Don’t miss this,

[Add your name here]

[Add your URL here]

The Flash Sale Sequence Email #2

Hey, [first name], it’s [your name] here!

If you have been thinking about enrolling in [Course Name], NOW is the best time…

We’re having a flash sale for my signature course, [Course Name] 🙂

[link to sales page]

This flash sale is only available for the next 24 hours. We are only running this flash sale because of [talk about why you are having this flash sale, you want to give the impression that you don’t run flash sales often, and it’s ONLY because of this occasion that you decided to have one…]

24 Hours Flash Sale For [Course Name] Starts Now!

When you enroll in [Course Name] within the next 24 hours, you get $[number] off and save [number]%. [Insert Timer Here]

This is the best offer you’ll get for [Course Name], ever.

So hop on before it’s too late.

Click here to learn more about [Course Name] before the flash sale ends in 24 hours.
[link to sales page]

You have 2 choices right now.

If you’re looking for an organized, proven roadmap to building an engaged and rapidly growing community, this is it.

You could continue being where you are now, and nothing would change in your life. We all know that if you keep doing the same thing, you’ll get the same results.

Or you could take advantage of this 24H flash sale, get the training and roadmap you need to [end goal], and start moving towards [end result] TODAY.

It’s your choice, pal! Where will you be [#number] days from now?

I would be honored to have you in my course because I know that [Course Name] has all the resources and support that you need to [end goal]. You can do this!

Enroll in [Course Name] and get a $[number] discount before the 24H flash sale ends. [link to sales page]

See you inside,

[Add your name here]

The Flash Sale Sequence Email #3

Hey [first name]!

How have you been?

I wanted to send you a quick reminder about the [number]% OFF flash sale that’s happening because of [occasion] today.

You get $[number] OFF when you enroll in [Course Name] before the flash sale ends in [number] hours… Click here to learn more about [Course Name] and enroll before the flash sale ends in [number] hours!

[link to sales page]

When you make a smart decision today, you are investing in something real – yourself.

[Course Name] isn’t just some random course. [Elaborate on why your course is so amazing and talk about the end results that it has brought for your students]

And it’s the BEST course on the internet that will do that for you. (My students say so!)

[What will they get when they enroll?]

[What are some of the results that this course has achieved for yourself or for others?]

So yes, [first name]… it’s time for you to enroll in [Course Name] [link to sales page] and get everything you need to [end goal] now!

[Insert Timer Here]

The 24h Flash Sale Ends In Less Than [number] Hours! Get $[number] Off [Course Name] When You Enroll Now.

I believe that there is a reason why you’re seeing this email today.

Imagine where you would be in a few months if you started today. Even a little progress everyday beats doing nothing by a long shot. You can do this 🙂

Take advantage of this 24-hour flash sale happening right now before it’s too late…

The 24H flash sale, and the special opportunity to get $[number] off [Course Name], ends in less than [number] hours. [link to sales page]

If not now, then when?

See you on the other side.

Signing off,

[Add your name here]

[Add your URL here]

The Flash Sale Sequence Email #4

Hey [first name],

You know what they say – all good things come to an end…

This is a quick last call email to remind you that the [what the occasion is] flash sale ends in 6 hours.

This is the last call for you to get $[number] off [Course Name]!

If you’re ready to [end goal], then I would be honored to have you enroll in [Course Name] and join [number] students who are on the same journey as you.

[Course Name] is my signature 360° step-by-step system that will help you go from [where they are] to [where they want to be].

This is the exact tried-and-tested system that I have used for myself, my private 1:1 clients, and countless past [Course Name] students to [end goal].

Last Call: Get $[number] Off [Course Name] When You Enroll Before The Flash Sale Ends In 6 Hours.

At 11.59 PM PST TONIGHT (in less than 6 hours), the opportunity to get [course name] at a $[number] discount will disappear.

When you sign up, you will get instant access to all the course content, worksheets, checklists, tech tutorials, case studies, special bonuses, and more – basically, EVERYTHING YOU NEED to [end goal].

I can’t believe that it all ends in less than 6 hours!

Click here to join the [Course Name] family and get $[number] OFF today. [link to sales page]

P.S. Jumped to the end? Last call! When you enroll in [course name] within the next 6 hours, you also get $[number] off. Don’t miss out on this flash sale!

Don’t miss this,

[Add your name here]

[Add your URL here]

Webinar Email Series

Webinar Invite Email #1

Hey [First Name]!

You’ve spent nights of hard work [what they have tried] but… you’re [where they are now]

That’s probably why you aren’t [the end goal they desire that your webinar will help them with], right?

[Elaborate about why your webinar topic is SO important and how it will help them with their desires and goals]

That’s where this webinar will come in – to help you [sum up how your webinar will help them in one line].

Sign up for my free webinar, “[Your Webinar Title Here]” today, and let’s get you to [where they want to be]!

Here are the webinar details you need:

● Title: [Webinar Title]
● Date & time: [Date & Time of the Webinar]
● Where: Click here to sign up to get the webinar live room link [link to webinar live room]

Here’s what you’ll learn during this free webinar:

● [What they will learn #1]

● [What they will learn #2]

● [What they will learn #3]

… and much more!

Click here to sign up for the free [what your webinar is about] webinar. [link to webinar registration page]

Here’s to getting to [end result] together!

If you have any questions, just hit reply and I’ll get to you as soon as I can 🙂

[Add your name here]
[Add your URL here]

Webinar Confirmation Email #2


Congratulations! You have successfully registered for the workshop, “[Webinar Title Here]”

The best thing you can do now is to bookmark your webinar link and set a reminder on your calendar so that you don’t miss the webinar.

Here are the webinar details:

Link: Click Here To Enter Webinar Live Room [link to webinar live room]

Webinar title: [Webinar title here]

Webinar description: [Webinar description here]

Date: [Insert date of your webinar here]

Time: [Insert time of your webinar here]

I have helped thousands of [how you describe your audience – e.g. teachers] [achieve the end goal the webinar promises your audience] so if…

You are… [Describe the situation that your audience is in, call them out! Help them to realize that your webinar was created for them and that they NEED to attend]

You need… [Describe the situation that your audience is in, call them out! Help them to realize that your webinar was created for them and that they NEED to attend]

You have been having trouble with… [Describe the situation that your audience is in, call them out! Help them to realize that your webinar was created for them and that they NEED to attend]

Then come join me to learn how you can [webinar topic], the right way! Here’s what you’ll learn:

● [Webinar takeaway #1]

● [Webinar takeaway #2]

● [Webinar takeaway #3]

● [Webinar takeaway #4]

See you at the webinar! You’ll LOVE it.

Do bookmark the webinar link and set a reminder on your calendar so that you don’t miss the webinar!

See you at the webinar,

[Add your name here]
[Add your URL here]

Pre Webinar Reminder Morning (1 of 4) Email #3

[First name] it’s finally here!

I’m sat here putting the finishing touches on my free and life transformational masterclass that is gonna CHANGE.THE.GAME!

And while this may sound a bit OTT, I’m pretty damn sure this is going to be the most high-impact free masterclass you will attend this year.

[Insert reason why the webinar will be so awesome]

That means come [insert time], you’re going to want to close down the bazillion tabs you have open, pour yourself a large cup of something strong and join me for one hell of a session that will have you [insert a few desirable actions that they will be doing as a result of the webinar e.g. thinking bigger, feeling healthier, stepping into your purpose etc.]

Here’s a quick recap of what you’re going to learn:

[insert 3 – 5 bullets on what they will learn]

And much more….

So, if you’re serious about [insert big end goal] then whatever you do, make sure you are on this training.

Here’s the link where you can join us! >>

Set yourself a reminder so you remember and we’ll see ya TODAY!

See you at the webinar,

[Add your name here]
[Add your URL here]


Pre Webinar Reminder Afternoon (2 of 4) Email #4

Hey [First Name],

So I know life get’s so busy so I’m checking in. Are you still coming to the Live Masterclass today at [insert time]?

If so, can you take two secs to reply to this email & let me know you’re still coming?

I’ll be covering [the key things you will be covering that they desire] & steps for you to do it, too.

Look forward to your reply!

See you at the webinar,

[Add your name here]
[Add your URL here]


Pre Webinar Reminder 1 Hour (3 of 4) Email #5

OMG it’s nearly time! So [First name] if you’ve ever struggled to [the big main pain point or label they put on themselves], then come join me at [time of webinar] and get ready to have all your misconception shaken and 🙂 I’ve also had a bit too much coffee so expect a heavy dose of enthusiasm (you know how passionate I am about [insert your subject matter]) in addition to the high-value transformational shifts I’m going to share. Ooooh I can’t wait! I’ve listed out the workshop details again for you below: Webinar: [Insert name of your webinar (preferably starting with “how to”)] Date: TODAY! Time: Less than 60 minutes from now (a.k.a [Insert actual time of webinar]) Webinar Link: Click Here to Enter Webinar [insert webinar link >>] See you at the webinar, [Add your name here] [Add your URL here]

Pre Webinar Reminder 15 Mins (4 of 4) Email #6

Hi [First name]
Last chance.
[NAME OF WEBINAR] goes live in 15 minutes. Don’t miss your chance to…
[List the benefits your reader will gain by attending the event.]
Benefit #1

Benefit #2

Benefit #3

Benefit #4

Benefit #5

Attendees will also get exclusive [Hint to the offer you’re going to provide attendees]
You can’t get all of this unless you’re there. It’s free and it’s almost time.

[Visit LINK to get instant access.]

Hope to see you in just a few minutes!

Kind regards,


Webinar Replay (1 of 3) Email #7

Hey [first name], it’s [your name] here!

I hope that you’re having a great day so far 🙂

We’ve had so much great feedback for the “[Webinar Title Here]” webinar that just ended
Can you believe that I almost decided not to hold the webinar? 🙂

After receiving feedback, I’m so glad that I decided to host the webinar.

In case you missed the workshop or want to watch it again, I have a recording of the webinar available for a limited time.

Click here to watch the limited-time webinar replay. [link to webinar replay]

I’m telling you… you have to catch this workshop replay, my friend. You’ll benefit so much from it. I’ve held nothing back.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

● [Webinar takeaway #1]

● [Webinar takeaway #2]

● [Webinar takeaway #3]

● [Webinar takeaway #4]

If you haven’t [achieved end goal], you NEED to watch this training.

I look forward to helping you to [achieve end goal] during this webinar, [first name]!

P.S. Scrolled right down? Be sure to catch the limited-time replay: [Webinar title here] [link to webinar replay]

See you inside,

[Add your name here]
[Add your URL here]

Webinar Replay (2 of 3) Email #8

Hey [first name]!

I’ll keep this really short… it’s been a hot moment since you signed up for my free webinar,

“[Webinar Title Here]”.
During the training, we talked about how… [something you mentioned in your webinar to wet their appetites and motivate them to watch the replay]

There are 2 things you need to do right now:

Step 1) Watch the limited-time webinar replay [link to webinar replay page] if you haven’t already.

Step 2) Get to work and start working towards [end goal]!

You literally have everything in your hands to help you get started now, so are you going to let the training go to waste?

Get that 2 steps done today!

Hit reply and let me know if you have implemented the strategies we go through to [end goal] with the guidance you got from the workshop [link to webinar replay page] .

Signing off,

[Add your name here]
[Add your URL here]

Webinar Replay (3 of 3) Email #9

Subject: Going, Going, Gone


If you haven’t watched the replay yet, there are still a few hours left. That means just
a few more hours to get your hands on:

List a few key information

Points here. What will they learn

What will they gain?

You can repeat benefits

And key content point

Watch the replay now (available until midnight EST) <<LINK>>

It’s also your last chance to grab [name of product you’re selling] the PROMOTIONAL OFFER
disappears with the replay.
Visit LINK to get it before it’s gone.


To Your Success!


Welcome Email Sequence Templates

EMAIL #1: The Welcome Email

d immediately after someone opts in for your lead magnet or buys your product)


Thank you for joining [group/community/list]

Welcome to [group/community/list]!
You are now part of the best [group/community/list]


Hi [Name],

Welcome to [group/community/list]!

I’m so glad you joined, because [insert the big benefit of joining]. Not only will you
[get some desired outcome], but you’ll also [learn about some topic]!

We’ve got [type of people associated with the group, e.g., “dog trainers” or “dieters”]
all over the world who are getting great [type of results] just by using the tips they’re
learning here [inside the group, list, etc]. And it doesn’t matter [if you’re just getting
started in this specific niche] or if [you’re a seasoned pro/have years of experience/are
an expert], there’s something for everyone inside [the group, list, etc.].

Best of all, we’re going to get started today as I share with you some of my best
[type of] tips for [getting some specific result]. And over the next
[timeframe, e.g., “week” or “month”], you’re going to get a crash course in [topic]
delivered right here to your inbox.

Here’s what you’ll discover:

•You’ll learn a nifty trick for [getting some benefit]

•You’ll find out how to use [a common every day item ] to [get some benefit]

•You’ll discover a little-known way to [get a benefit]

•You’ll learn [number] tips and tricks for [getting a benefit]

And much, much more. By the time you’ve finished [this crash course on a certain topic],
you’ll know exactly how to [get some desired outcome]!

So here’s what to do next…

First, if you didn’t already download the first [lesson, module, report, etc.], then you can
do so right here:

[insert download link]

Secondly, you’ll want to jump in and read it right away, because [give a good reason why –
the strongest benefit people will receive by reading this particular lesson].

Once you’re finished reading it, then be sure to [call to action – might be something like
print off the associated worksheets, or put the content to work, etc.].

I’ll leave you to it. Enjoy!

[sign off]

P.S. You’ll get your next [lesson, module, chapter, etc.]

[insert when they’ll get it – tomorrow? In three days? Etc.].

Keep an eye on your inbox!

PPS. Again, thank you for joining [name of the group/community/list], and welcome to the

EMAIL #2: The Need A Hand? Email

(Send 1 day after previous email)


Need a hand?


Hi [Name],

How would you like a little extra help achieving [major goal your reader wants to achieve]?

One of the things I hear all the time is that there are too many ‘steps’ between where you are now… and where you want to be.

And that’s why I created this!

[Offer link] <– Click here

You see, I’ve been able to refine a simple step-by-step system that will make it even easier for you to achieve [major goal].

Best of all it completely shortcuts the process, and you start getting results even faster…

Without the headache of having to learn through trial and error yourself…

Or wasting valuable time that you could be spending on [something fun or important they could be doing rather than learning how to do it on their own].

All you have to do is watch this video until the end:

[Offer link] <– Click here

And you’ll be well on your way to mastering [the important thing your offer will teach them].

As always, if there’s anything I can do to help, please let me know here:

[link to your support page]

Talk soon,

[Your Name]

EMAIL #3: The Essential Resource Email

(Send 1 day after previous email)


Your essential [#1 problem your reader is facing] Toolbox…


Imagine knowing that you had every resource you ever needed to successfully achieve [#1

problem your reader needs help with the most]…

All the proven steps to follow.

All the insider tricks.

All the templates and tools required.


That’s what this video is all about:

[link to offer] <– Click here

When you watch that video until the end and take advantage of my ridiculous offer…

You’ll have everything you need to:

-[Major benefit #1]

-[Major benefit #2]

-[Major benefit #3]

All you have to do is take action today before the price goes up…

Talk soon!

[Your Name]

EMAIL #4: The Bad News Email

(Send 1 day after previous email)


Some bad news…


What would you rather… the good news or the bad news first?

Well, the good news is that your discount is still active, but you have to act fast:

Click here => [link to offer]

That’ll get you on your way to enjoying [major benefit] for only [$XX]…

The bad news?

This is the last time I’ll email you about this special offer, and tomorrow night the discount link expires and the price goes back up to [$YY].

I always do my best to reward new [clients/customers] because I love seeing their success stories…

However all good things must come to an end, and this is one of those things.

So, tomorrow night at midnight, the [$XX] price goes away.

Click the link below and take advantage of this special offer while you still can.

(Don’t worry, you’ve got a full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, so you can start seeing results for yourself risk free.)

[link to offer] <– Click here


[Your Name]

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